Google Search Freudian Slip..? Holy Fucking Shit


Went searching for some "woo woo conspiracy shit" here tonight to give my brain a rest from coding.. Brain / machine interfaces have been an interest of mine for a while and while not even looking for fucking COVID-19 shit, was looking for DARPA nano-tech and peripheral technology information.. LO AND BEHOLD LOOK AT THAT 4TH FUCKING SEARCH RESULT. What the FUCK.

Now, there is no question in my damn mind that COVID is originally a naturally occurring virus, that was completely fucked with / bio-engineered "gain of function" ( AKA bioweapons ) attributes to make it more infectious. But when fucking google of all corporate entities ( who is 100% in bed with the US govt ) has their fucking 4th search result, which shouldn't be related AT ALL to the "DARPA nanotechnology" search that I conducted popping up.. I heed notice.

While I generally try and look past the ticker tap and propaganda.. I can't help but wonder if someone at google is trying to tell us something that should be obvious to most or at least common knowledge.. OR if their algorithm is actually a bit more sentient than it probably should be and is trying to warn us of what is sees. This is the kind of shit that keeps me up at night. For the record I'm not a fucking "anti-vaxxer"... But I sure as shit am against bio-weapons, experimentation on the population and fucking governments trying to take folks autonomy in medication from them.

Stay Diligent, Stay Safe, Head on a Swivel, Spread the Knowledge.


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