RE: The Covid Cult will now be going door to door like Jehovah's Witnesses

There are a lot of things people could do and probably do when harassed by these Covid Nazis. One thing would be to not answer the door. If you do open the door, say no thank you, we don't want any, the same as if there were Girl Scout Cookies right in front of your face.

Of course, there are videos, articles, all sorts of things we can show them. We could try to talk to them, debate with them, etc. It can be dangerous but sometimes you can red-pill people. It is generally something you might want to take on a case by case basis. Good balance and wisdom is needed. So many different things can happen in these types of situations both good and bad. Some people may choose to lie or whatever we want to call it to say they already got Covid Vaccines.

Well, if I told you I already got my Covid Shot, then you could ask me which one. I could say that is private information covered under the fourth amendment, HIPPA, and don't get me started on the Nuremberg Code, Geneva, etc. Well, I could also say my Covid Shot was called Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, other essential vitamins, etc. Also, we could show people all the people who are dying from Covid Vaccines.

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