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You know how it is

Quid pro quo? How 'bout quid pro No.


    Whether it is corporate interests or that of foreign powers, we know there are lobbies with deep pockets pulling the strings of these dummy politicians who are more interested in securing votes / their power than serving their people.

    By the way, I found the unmodified meme on Reddit on /r/dankmemes and felt it was missing something so I added the stickers to illustrate the true driving force for the bad politicians. Money


    Now, I not saying it is exclusively a Dem or GOP issue as the corruption has infiltrated both parties.

    With that being said, it's an issue that there are broad swaths of voters our there that will vote simply on the basis that someone has an R or a D next to their name. To hell with policy, loyalty to a party that doesn't give a shit about you is more important, AMIRITE?

As time goes by, the more I see Idiocracy as a prophetic documentary.

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