The German government doesn't want people to remember this before their next Coronavirus lockdown.

On March 14th, 2020, the German Federal Ministry of Health Tweeted that there would be no further restrictions on public life from the Federal Government.


And see the original Tweet here:

They even went as far as to call any such speculation...


Sound like a familiar tactic?

Of course, this was a lie, as the German government enacted further restrictions on March 22, 2020.

See: Germany: Authorities enact further measures due to COVID-19 March 22 /update 13

It's a reminder that those in the state will say anything to get your obedience while gaslighting you about the true nature of their intentions.

Don't forget this history.
Don't accept their lies this fall, 2021.

#coronavirus #covid19 #endthelockdown #endtheshutdown #endthelockdowns #endtheshutdowns #reopen #reopenamerica #reopentheworld #sars2 #delta #deltavariant #taxationistheft #ancap #libertarian