Coronavirus - This is What Really Happened Economically Behind the Scenes and How It Is Going to Affect Entire World!

coronavirus masterpiece plan of chinese government.jpg

Hi all!

Coronavirus fear has spread all over the world and caused paralyse of the entire planet. People are loosing jobs everyday now, small and medium businesses are going bankrupt, Federal Reserves are printing money faster than speed of light and most of people still live in delusion that somehow everything is going to be back to "normal".

But, it doesn't seem at all that it is going to be this way.

This is not an article about predictions how it is going to affect global economy and what global elite has prepared for us, but it has been written only to show how Chinese government benefits from Coronavirus.

I do not claim that I know where does this virus come from and who has spread it to the environment, but I'm just kindly showing a list of eye opening facts that had happened in China and quick explanation how Chinese Government outsmarted its own citizens and all other players from all over the world in this Covid-19 business...

Here it goes:

  • China has successfully prepared itself for the next generation war - the bio-information war. Exercises took place in the country and they showed the world a master workshop! They declared a bio-information war to the whole world and defeated all countries without a single shot and occupation. They have sent a harmless virus around the world, spreading horror, fear and chaos which is causing destruction of national economies around the world!

  • Conducted a census in their own country. Super fast and super effectively.

  • The digital dictatorship had been pushed even further. They put much more pressure on control of social networks and all communication.

  • They created a system for quickly establishing all contacts in the social networks of the desired person, who they contact with, who they meet with etc.

  • All illegal immigrants have been identified and many have been evicted from the country.

  • Many foreigners and spies have been removed from the country. They themselves sought evacuation. The rest were identified and accepted for control.

  • A mechanism for mass and sharp blocking of the entire country was developed.

  • Show the whole world what China is capable of. Placing 1.5 billion people in full quarantine, putting masks on all of them, building massive hospital within matter of days - this itself was so powerful message that it left politicians all over the world speechless.

  • Entire population of the country has been taught how to care for hygiene, hand wash etc.

  • A law was introduced prohibiting the consumption of wild animals, which was the norm in many districts.

  • They shown entire world how much all countries depend on China and their manufactures.

  • Many production chains around the world have been frozen, causing a global crisis. All production and logistics around the world have been stopped!

  • They enforced use of drones and automatic tracking devices by police and various public services.

  • A mass thermal imaging system was developed with automatic calculation of anomaly data.

  • The algorithms of operation of video cameras with face recognition have been updated to include people wearing masks, so now the person's walking style is also included in personality recognition algorithm in their social score system.

  • Systems for the automatic delivery of goods has been improved quickly and massively.

  • A system of electronic concentration camps was developed.

  • Hong Kong protests ceased and the government's influence increased.

  • Most important. While the world is still plunging into crisis, China has already left it, and bought shares of all foreign companies operating in China for pennies at the time when big investors have been selling their stocks in panic. This move itself was strategic masterpiece. Now they buy cheap assets of all companies around the world. They help financially weak countries by increasing their global influence. Gaining on lower oil prices. They create new alliances and agreements. While the entire world is struggling with the fictitious pseudo-epidemic of CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19), they have taken control of the whole world!

The above information shows that the leadership and parliaments of all countries in the world have come under the complete control of China, using the latest technologies, which are mainly produced in their country and have been delivered worldwide for many years.
While Russia, USA and Europe have been trying to fight who would dominate the world, China outsmarted them all.

Whats your thoughts about what gonna happen next?

Thanks for reading!

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