The Pandemic craziness across the world and the Indian Picture

Social Distancing has become the new word of 2020, everywhere there is just this one thing day and night going on, the Coronavirus, crippling our minds and lives. Lock-downs across countries are happening. Much needed for now, but are they justified, and is this the only approach to tackle this situation. Are we already into a WW III?

So much of news going on, it really sucks at times. We are day and night living in the fear of getting the virus.
Lot of people may not agree to what I write here today, but to think of it, don't we think it's insane to cripple the economy at this level for a virus. It can be a temporary solution, but can we think of it extending over months. The Airlines are all grounded and they are the maximum loss makers, which they may never be able to make it up. Some of them may have to literally shut down. The Governments will fund some, but where will all the money come from. No doubt the Tax Payers. I would not be surprised if very soon we may need to start paying Coronavirus maintenance tax.
We have scientifically and technologically advanced like there is no tomorrow and with such advancement, is it really so easy to believe that a cure cannot be found for this virus, which in turn can avoid these lock downs. Or are we getting into something more horrific. Instead of crippling the global economy to a level where it may take years and years to overcome, why is there not a solutioning to counter this problem. Does everyone believe that there is no easy cure for it and it is so complicated? I do not believe this.

Is the common public becoming puppets to the Governments and what is the final outcome going to be from this. Another new vaccine, more surveillance. Bill Gates Foundation had already started funding research on vaccines aimed at dealing with Coronovirus even before Wuhan announced the outbreak. We must say he is very prophetic. He has also proposed a National tracking system. So are we on the brink of losing our freedom completely?


Ok now forget all of this, let's just come back to simple lay person's life. So all good, we go ahead with social distancing. Most of the countries have started with the 21 days lock down. Now what is this 21 days going to bring to people?
Joy and happiness, sitting at home? Absurd. It's going to take down many many people specially like a country in India into states of depression, anxiety and many other health issues.
So let me tell you how it will be.
Majority of the people in India live in small apartments. There are 4 to 5 people living in a 1 bedroom house, people live in joint families. Now these 21 days do we really think that it's all going to be very harmonious living in small cramped up space with no breathing space at all. It will create more of irritation, frustration and chaotic relations.
Some people will say, we need to act maturely in such situations, yes, that's how it should be. But for how long will you control the mind. The very moment when day and night you do not get enough space for yourself, frustration starts building up. Moreover in small apartments, there is nothing that connects you to nature and all of this eventually will drag you down emotionally and mentally.

Then there are millions of Indians who are on daily wages for their living. What about them. There have been no sustainable measures announced by the government to take care of them. So what are these people going to eat and how are they expected to live?

The Government announced a lock down with a window of 4 hours and that too with not much clarity as to how the daily life will be taken care of. People panicked and started rushing to supermarkets to stock up utilities. What a bloody joke, the whole purpose of the lock down was defeated in the first 4 hours itself. There was such heavy rush at all the supermarkets that within those 4 hours all the transmission must have already taken place and now we need to wait and see the results. If the numbers do not go up then the government just gets lucky enough.


The sudden lock down have left lot of people helpless in many ways. The daily utility prices have gone up 2 to 3 times, though the government announced that nothing of that sort will happen, but who checks. The small time vendors are going to do what they want. There is no check measures on this. Just the announcement, which the PM thinks will take care.

The Government announced that no jobs loss will be there, but there are ample number of Small and Medium businesses which operate on daily functioning. They have taken loans to run their business. How are these people going to pay wages when there is no income for themselves. How are they going to pay loans?

The banks within the next few months god knows where they will stand. Non repayment of loans, heavy cost and all of this is a big risk for the people who have their money in banks. Already in the last few months there have been couple of banks who have been in crises of non performing assets. People are on the brink of losing their invested money in banks, which for some will be life savings.

Distancing is a good measure and it is the need of the hour, but when it is done without any planning, just as always the case with our Prime Minister, it will bring more harm then relief. The 2016 Demonetization is one good example, the agenda with which it was rolled out never got fulfilled and it disrupted people's life on a big scale, where many people went to an extent of committing suicide.

We have had some crazy Pandemics in the past, but never was this approach taken. Coming to the Ground Zero, that is China. There is end number of stories. I do not want to comment on it as I have no source to verify, but then we are suffering and this suffering will not end even after the lock down period completes, It's going to be a long long run. Millions of people will lose their jobs. Airlines have already started announcing job cuts and leave without pay. A lot of companies are also following this.

It is crazy to witness something like this in our lifetime. The World has changed so much so suddenly. My Son has been telling me some of these things since last 4 years and talking about the Agenda 21. I used to tell him that it's over analyzed and hyped but now it seems to be all coming through.

In times like this, we should not be fearful, but we should be concerned about our future and act accordingly. Not become crazy puppets. We are in a Biological war, probably this is the much anticipated WW III.

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ

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