Hive core dev meeting #33

Short meeting this time but a decent amount of updates from @howo and @blocktrades

meeting tl;dr:

Dev sync

Listen to that one

Testnet setup

@gtg is still tweaking the mirror testnet, @imwatsi has a local testnet running for HAF, we are aiming aggressively (read: will probably slip) for end of march for hf26, so we have some time before we can run tests. As soon as the mirror testnet is live I'll create a guide on how to play with rc delegations, meanwhile I'll update the various libraries to work with it.

Transferable claimed account tokens with costs

Some back and forth here, basically blocktrades is against the feature altogether, the idea is that if we make them transferrable at a cost to burn hive, might as well burn hive by creating accounts. Feature is on hold unless the community really pushes to have it.

Additionnal topics here and there.

@arcange wished for a new option when creating accounts to set the recovery account while it's created, I created an issue on gitlab and will tackle it for hf27

Have a nice week :)


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