Last week I got pulled over by a cop for the first time in 5+ years


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I finally got caught 😅🏎️ 🚓

Last Friday night I was out driving much later than I normally am. I was in familiar territory, but it was still very dark outside. We were also having ourselves quite the wind storm with speeds ranging from 20 mph all the way up to 60 mph. It was blowing cars all over the road, but from where my Lincoln MKZ is low to the ground and weighs about 4,200 lbs, I didn't have any problems.

That was until I was about 100 ft from my destination and all of a sudden I see the famous blue and red lights flashing in my rearview mirror. I was shocked because to me I was just casually cruising and had done nothing wrong at all. When the officer came up to my window he asked me why on earth I was going 60 mph in a 35 mph zone. I told him straight up, I was the only car out on the road, I was being careful and very aware of where I was on the road, and I honestly just love driving and didn't think I was putting anybody in danger. Being straight up is usually what is best, especially with cops.

I've had at least 5 speeding tickets in my life. They usually cost about $150, but I had one that cost me nearly $500 a long time ago. Never have I received a warning for speeding, I always get the ticket no matter what because when I speed, I really speed. It's been many years since I've gotten a ticket of any kind. In fact, I haven't even been pulled over for over 5 years. That streak has finally ended, but it's not all bad news.

I had a casual chat with the cop and he was luckily extremely nice and understanding. He took my info and was in his car for a few minutes before coming back. I got extremely lucky because he decided to let me go with a warning. I guess he saw that I'd been on good behavior for many years and didn't deserve to have my night ruined. I'm so glad that didn't happen because I was having an extremely good night.

So although I did have to endure the stress of getting pulled over, nothing came of it. After he let me go I coasted up two houses to the place I was going. I sat in the parking lot there for about 30 minutes or so and as I was leaving the same cop already had somebody else pulled over. So literally everybody seems to speed on the road that I was on.

I know that the cop will never read this, but I am so grateful that he let me go without a fine. I had just paid a ton of money at the dentist and to my tax guy, so having to pay for a ticket on top of that would really have sucked.

The lesson I learned is, never, no matter what, speed on a road in the dark that has the potential for a cop to be hiding. Especially zones with lower speed limits like the one I was in. The easiest way for me to control that is to not put my car in sport mode and ignore my tempting paddle shifters. I seem to drive like a grandpa whenever I do that.

When was your last run-in with the cops? Have you ever gotten lucky like I did and let go with a warning? Comment below and let me know.

I am usually one of those people that hate the majority of cops. This time though, I respected the guy and think that I got what I deserved.


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