An Open Invitation For the FairCoop & Steemit Communities to Join Forces

Throughout the course of development within the cryptocurrency space we have had occasion to observe some of the issues inherent in decentralized communities.

To make a caricature of the cryptocurrency space we might liken the whole of it to a great assembly of pirate rafts all paddling furiously in their own directions, lest they be overtaken by their brethren. Meanwhile, all around them the enormous ocean of the legacy financial system churns with tempestuous force.

It is not surprising for communities to coalesce around geography, technology, ideology, and other unifying principles, however, the cryptocurrency space is quickly approaching a crossroads within the arc of history where the wisdom of consolidating our gains is becoming increasingly evident.

So, rather than fighting over hearts and minds to populate our own tiny rafts within the socio-economic ocean, it is time to begin lashing our rafts together. It is time for us to begin seeking symbiotic relationships among fellow activists and innovators within the space; strategic alliances which can help us to realize the goals which our respective communities have in common.

With this awareness, and in the spirit of cooperation, I wish to heartily extend an open invitation to the FairCoop Community to join forces with the community on Steemit.

I have been impressed to discover the depth of local organization which animates the FairCoop community and the extent to which they have managed to seize the opportunity to empower local communities using blockchain technology.

It’s not my goal here to go into an extensive breakdown of the FairCoop Community or the FairCoin currency, and the unique experiments of community consensus which have been demonstrated by the innovation of Proof of Cooperation, local exchanges, and so forth.

Nor is it my goal here to explore the unique features of the Steem blockchain, it's novel approach to rewarding content creation and community development, or it’s capacities as a third generation (DPOS) Delegated Proof of Stake, Graphene blockchain.

Surely both of our communities are comprised of thoughtful, intelligent individuals capable of surveying the terrain, and drawing conclusions themselves.

I simply wish to get both communities in the same room and ask that you discuss the possibilities for collaboration; I believe they are vast.

Conclusion: It's a win win all the way.

The Steemit and FairCoop communities have a lot to offer one another!

I believe that if FairCoop makes use of Steemit to further their own goals, they will find themselves empowered by a censorship-resistant, content publishing blockchain which will reward them for their content. For now, the use of tags can be your organizing method, but soon, Steemit will be introducing a new feature: 'communities', which will allow for a much easier organization and a better reward structure and incentives for sub-communities to flourish.

Steemians for their part, will find the FairCoop to be comprised of some seriously thoughtful and passionate people who are looking to empower local communities the world over. They will find a group of people employing powerful, bottom-up, grassroots organization to leverage blockchain technology in service to humanity. They may find a novel approach to realizing stable growth in cryptocurrency, and who knows what else.

All I know for sure, is we're better off working together.

"If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together."

I've said my piece. I leave the rest to you.

Best wishes to all!

PS - #faircoop members, if you join us here on steem, we will know you by your tags! You get five tags per post, so make one of them #faircoop and give me a shout-out so I know you're here. Cheers! :)

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