Cooking Semai

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

My user id is @maruf4334 my country is bangladesh. how are you all, i hope all are well. I am also good with your prayers. Today I will speak. Today I made delicious semai. Friends then let's begin.

How are you guys hope you are doing very well I am not able to post any post for last 5-6 days because I was a bit busy so if you feel sad because of this I apologize to you. Friends, today is Friday, the Hajj day of the poor. And today I was wishing to eat something sweet. So I suddenly remembered that Semai is at home. Then I said no, I will cook the semai. Friends, you know that there are two days of Muslim happiness. One is Eid-ul-Azha and the second is Eid-ul-Fitr. On these two days, we Muslims rejoice and obey Allah's orders. And on these two days, we have to make some sweets before the Eid prayer, so we mothers of the house get up early in the morning on Eid day and cook semai.

Friends already told you why we cook or eat semai can. So today I will tell you about how I have cooked the semaita in this room. First I see in the room there are two packets of Semai. So let's cook it. First I take one kg of milk and one cup spoon of almonds and raisins to cook semai. Then I put a pan in the oven and put milk in it and put almonds and raisins in it. Then I covered it for a while. Then when the milk was done I took it off the stove. I took down the two semai and put the semai in the milk. Then I covered it again for like half an hour. And friends, you were not told that I put a tablespoon of sugar in the semai. Then the semaita was done and after a while I served it. I took my mother took it and my brother took it. Friends, you won't believe what fun Semai had. Friends, I will tell you that you should cook Semai and eat it at least once. I hope you will be impressed by this. So friends, tell me how you feel about the story so far today and forgive me for the fact that I have not been able to bring any story to you for some time. Thank you.

I don't know how much I could give you. But, I always try to give something good. How is everyone must tell in the comment box. And stay by my side. So that I can come up with something better next time. Everyone will be fine and healthy. And if there are any mistakes in my post, please forgive me. Thanks to everyone.

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

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