[Tpot Contest No. 19]: WIN FREE Whaleshares worth 60+ USD and TROPHY TOKENS - Contest 18 Results Announced

Greetings Everyone !

I hope you guys are doing great. Once again it is a pleasure to invite you all to participate in our contest no. 19. I would like to thank you all for your continuous participation in the Tpot Contests and making it blockbuster across Steemit. Keep sending your entries and spreading the word and of course the beauty out there... You all are amazing.

A moment Please..

I had the opportunity to witness some wonderful posts over the past few weeks. And the number of amazing entries are increasing every day. While it's a good thing for the contest, but it also become difficult for me in deciding a winner.

I would really like to take this opportunity and ask you all, to please propose a method for choosing a winner so everyone can have an equal chance of winning and no one feel the injustice.

I would have simply declared the higher number of upvoted entry as winner but with the increasing number of bots usage that's not an option anymore. There are some other solutions in my mind but I don't want to make it difficult for participants. I want to keep contests as easy as possible. If you don't have proposal in mind and you are okay with my decisions so far, then write in comments;

I trust @Tpot Judegement

Did you know Tpot provides a Free Upvote Service via Discord? Please consider us for Delegations/Donations to help the initiative. Any amount of delegation is welcome.

Contest No. 18 Results

I am absolutely blown by the entries submitted last week. You all were amazing. Here are some of the best entries from contest no.18.

UsernameContest Entry

This week the luckydraw was trimmed down to 4 users who I thought were amazing with their entries. The Random Picker Tool was used for luckydraw and following were the users who were shortlisted for luckydraw;

  1. @bushkill
  2. @smylie2005
  3. @wondersofnature
  4. @sweetcha

And the winner was...


Hence, the reward for the winner of Contest No. 18 goes to @smylie2005 for this entry. Congratulations! All the rewards will be transferred to you soon. Please check your Bitshares Account.


How To Participate?

This week we will be paying homage to the very place we live in. The place that we connect to emotionally and feel attached to. The place that stores the precious of our memories be it good or bad. The place that is second to none;

Yes, you guessed it right, our very Home that we live in or lived in...

The theme of Contest No.19 is Home Sweet Home. Just take a frontal picture of your home in the broad day light(Avoid images taken in dark hours) and explain how you are connected to your house. There's no special requirement, just show your love for your home in whatever way you deem fit..

The more connected we feel with your entry, the more are the chances to win. Make us feel like we live with you down there. Take us on a journey to your home.

Note: Please do not shares Inside pictures of your home.

Be innovative with your images, you can post more than one image in a single post. Only original pictures are allowed. Do not COPY PASTE contents from somewhere else.


Pay attention to the following rules. Any of the "rule not followed" may disqualify you from the contest.

  1. Title of the post should contain, "Tpot Contest No. 19"
  2. Resteem and Upvote this post
  3. The post must contain at least 5 lines/rows of words.
  4. Provide the LINK to your post in the comments section to this post along with your Bitshares account. If you don't have a Bitshares account then register here.
  5. Only original contents. No copy Paste images.
  6. Include the following Banner in your post.

Closing Date

The results will be announced after the Payout of this post. Tpot contests are held weekly. Which means that you have 7 days to participate in the contest.


Only the first prize will be given out. If your post is selected as winner, you will receive;

75 Whaleshares + 3 Trophy Tokens


Whaleshares are both a token and community. They are based on Bitshares platform and works as cross-chain tokens. You can summon a whale for Upvote with your Whaleshares.

Trophy Tokens

TROPHY TOKEN is a Bitshares asset made by Steemians who want to reward you for your efforts with more than just an upvote.


Note: Please consider delegation to Tpot or our Free Discord Promotion Bot to help minnows and the project. Thanks

Join our Discord Channel : https://discord.gg/4h64RA8

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