🎶 Song Bomb Contest🎶

🎵 My First Contest 🎵


I'm one of those people that always has a song in my head and it's rough when you can't get rid of it or it's one of those songs you hate. Heaven forbid there's a dance that goes with it. I secretly play this game with my coworkers where I sing a song as I'm working around them and see if they pick it up. It's a fun way to make a slow night pass and sometimes you learn some colorful words.


Here's the challenge: Try and see if you can get a tune stuck in my mind.

The rules are as follows:

1- Think of the most annoying song you've ever heard

2- Comment with the song title and a few verses

3- Upvote and Resteem this post

Hint: I'm from the United States so I'm mostly familiar with popular music from here. It doesn't have to be a recent song.

The prize will be one SBI or Steem Basic Income share to the winner and will be announced in 48 hours. If this little contest is popular, I will do more in the future.


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