One Day!!!

That day, Microsoft or Hp will come knocking at your door with an employment letter and they can't find you.

That day, you go out and not able to return!
That day, you close your eyes at night and not able to open it in the morning.
That day, you will hold your breath and not be able to release it.
That day, the asset you greedily built, with sweat without remembering the needy will become another person's.
That day, your favorite food will be served at your very expensive dinning table and you won't available to eat it.
That day, the person you love the most in your entire life will not move an inch closer to you.
That day, your expensive iphone will not grip your hand, the same way you are holding it right now.
That day, your name will be shouted, gently mentioned and screamed but no one will answer.
That day, a title will be added to your named (late).
That day, the altitude or behavior that is bad and you claim you cannot leave, will leave you instead.
That day, you received a call and not able to answer forever.
That day, the great separator will separate you from the good or the bad and to the place you belong.
That day, your beautiful skin that is deceiving you now, will return to its rightful place.
That day, your heart will stop pumping blood throughout the whole body.
That day, you will be given indefinite leave from your work place without request.
That day, you will receive a permanent contact address either in a Palace (heaven) or hell.
That day, all your best cloths are passed to someone else.
That day, all the money you gather will be given to another person.
That day, you will eat your favorite food and you won't be able to excrete.
In conclusion of the whole matter:

Your life is not yours forever to keep, be open and give to the needy, let peace reign in your heart and not in your sense, always remember you only live this one life;

  • What will be your record?
  • What will be said of you?
  • Where are you going; when that day finally comes?

Remember, life is experience, live it beautifully.

I hope to be the winner both in the contest of life and steemit-virus contest.


See you on the other side.


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