SteemIF - Round 2 - Beginnings

Sea of Choices Cover Image by PegasusPhysics

First, all of the entries were brilliant premises! The choice here was not easy. But ultimately, I chose the one that would be the most amusing to write for anyone that wants to join in the fun. So...

Congratulations to @btcnoodle, the author of the winning logline in Round 1!

This is their logline (and the prompt for Round 2):

"A plucky young writer from Boston heads West to stake his claim in the California gold rush only to have his dream crushed upon realizing he has arrived too late."

Imagining this taking place in present day tickles me to no end, since it's generally common knowledge that the gold rush ended well over a century ago. Meaning something comical must have happened to cause him to miss that vital detail. Now, I'm not sure if @btcnoodle intended it that way, but that was my first reaction when I read it and I found it pleasantly amusing, so I hope they don't mind. _;

Now, on to Round 2!
For which @btcnoodle gets to guest-judge if they wish.

Round 2

Based on the promt above, write an opening to this story that ends with a cliffhanger and two choices for how the character should proceed.

The limit is 100 words, including the choices.

Example from previous post:

He awakes to the sound of a loud crash outside his bedroom door. And errie silence follows. He decides to:

Option One: Investigate.
Option Two: Hide.

Again, you'll want to create something more compelling than that. But still, mind the word limit. Note, the words "Option One" and "Option Two" won't be counted, but the contents of those options will.

How To Enter:

Write your entry (100 words max) as a direct reply to this post.

Entry Deadline:

20 December 2017 at 16:00 CST / 22:00 UTC

Winners Announced:

On 21 December 2017


5 SBD and a guest-judge spot for Round 3!

TextSeparator012 by PegasusPhysics

The logline has been added to the SteemIF Twinery-powered page, and it now awaits the first entry in the story. _

Check out the first post here if this is your first time seeing this and you want to get up to speed so you can join in the fun!

Round 2 Begins!

Good luck! Have fun!

TextSeparator012 by PegasusPhysics

"Sea Of Choices" cover art and Lotus Text Separators by @PegasusPhysics
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