What Kind Of Ruler Would You Be If You Were Put In Charge Tomorrow?

Ok, so..

I am curious to know how people might see themselves if they suddenly found they were in a position of power and in charge of running their own country!

Any country will do. Small, big, heavily populated or a ghost nation...

  1. How would you operate, regulate and organize or sympathize with your citizens?
  • Would you be a dictator?
  • An emperor?
  • Prince? Princess?
  • King or Queen?
  • Chief?
  1. What laws would you immediately put into effect?
  2. What laws would you decriminalize?
  3. Would you make any huge changes and who help you?
  4. Would you demand a giant statue be carved in your honor or stay away from the public eye?


  • For any of you who are living in the US, do you feel like we are facing some major changes this upcoming year or do you think things will basically be the same as they have been?
  • If you're outside of the US, I'd like to know what you think of the political system where you live and what your feelings are towards it?

I know, a lot of questions, but in 30 years I don't think I have ever felt fear for the future.


I have been without a job, but another came soon enough and I have had a car break down, yet finances always got sorted somehow.

I have never felt a uncertainty towards the individuals who make our laws and decide such incredibly important things like when we go to war until now.

It raises these questions when I think about the year to come, so I wanted to see if maybe someplace might lead me to answers ... Maybe I am the only one who feels this way and I should just shut up and pop some Xanax but then again what if the USA is totally fucked?

sniperbaboons image

Also, that beautiful zebra twerkshit up top in the first image is what my countries flag would look like because I am not fit to run a country..

Upload a 100% unique image of what your national flag would look like.
24 hours after this is posted, the flag/response with the most upvotes will get a groovy prize. (In order to keep people from feeling obligated to post just in an attempt to get a reward, I will keep it a secret until after. The main reason I added this is because I had a lot of fun designing mine (especially since it's took hella skills) and hope someone else might too. :p)

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