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@Marblely Thursday Favourites - Favourite Subject in School


I liked a lot of subjects in school. In primary I took part in a one off programming class where you instructed a turtle to make various shapes which I adored.

In high school I enjoyed the design and techology class and the cooking class regardless of the fact that I have absolutely no talent in either of these areas. I think they passed me out of sheer pity.

I poured my focus and energy into Chemistry and English and fell more in love with Chemistry than English.

I've always been an avid reader and in high school that made English a natural choice because it was mainly learning the different ways people can express themselves through the written word and projects where you tell the rest of the class what you liked and why about books that were interesting. I also found short story writing fairly easy.

Writing a short story under exam conditions is an entirely different experience and it did kill off some of my love for the field. I also experienced my first severe writers block on a year long project to write a short novel.

It's strange because with science the pressure and the cramming just helped me to learn more interesting things, there would be this feeling of when the exam is over I want to learn more about how that works or where this can be taken, however with writing the pressure and trying to pin down ways to quickly produce a story that met the criteria just sapped all the joy from the subject.

In the end that transition in favourite subjects has shaped who I have become as I went on to do science and then pharmacy at university rather than become an editor or novelist.

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