Steem4STEM Official Writing Contest 1 - Enter by 6/14

Hey Everyone,
I've been looking at ways to help promote good content on Steem for a while. Thanks to some great suggestions, I have decided to host a contest. Official entry details are below.


Any topic in a STEM Area (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) or a related area (ex: Health). Does not have to be technical, can be a point of view article on a STEM-related topic


1st - 10 SBD
2nd - 5 SBD
3rd - 3 SBD


  1. Must upvote and resteem this post
  2. Entries should be posted as comments below
  3. Multiple submissions are allowed
  4. Any plagiarism or excessive paraphrasing of existing content (on Steem or any other media) will not be eligible for any prizes. I reserve the right to run any entries through a plagiarism service. Disqualification will be determined at my own discretion.
  5. All entries must be made by Thursday 6/14 at Midnight EST. The winners will be selected by Monday 6/18

Judging Criteria

In determining the winners, I will look for the following

  1. Creativity and Uniqueness of Topic
  2. Interest of Subject/Content
  3. Quality of Writing


Please post any questions related to this contest in the link below. I would like to keep this post clean so it is easy to find entries.


I am self funding this contest at a considerable expense. I would like to make a weekly, self-sustaining contest. We are looking for sponsors for future contests. Please comment below if you are interested.

In addition to helping support this contest, please support fellow contestants by reading their entries and upvoting their posts if you enjoy them. Everyone is investing a considerable amount of time to come up with a topic and post quality content.


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