Bunnypuncher Daily contest has ended thank you everyone. The bunny has been broken :(

Thank you everyone that supports me and sorry to those that don't like me. I apologize this has gotten far too negative which is my fault. I'll consider it closed and move on as negativity benefits no one and I should have known better but some bunnies never learn. But, reflect on what happened here so lessons are learned and the platform improves for it.

Bunnypuncher gets knocked out for the count by @adm. I hope they are happy they won.


Again today I get downvoted:
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It appears I have made someone mad, but of course they didn't say why or how by leaving a comment or contacting me. So now instead of any positive support from whales I'm getting negative support for my contests. These downvotes happen right before the post payouts 7th day / last hour. And I get the feeling this is going to continue. I would be happy to try and work out the issues with these folks but have no way to contact them. So I'll put it out on the public block chain that I want to clear up whatever the issue is and resolve it so that I don't continue to get these $20 down votes.

However, If the issue can't be resolved the alternative is to stop the contests which I don't want to do. And, I don't think any of my followers would want.

I try and run fair contests that help the community and don't think I should be on any blacklists.

These are the problem votes I'm referring too:


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The two posts in question are:




If anyone has ideas on how to clear this up please leave comments with contacts or advice. Or comment just to offer words of support so the contest continues despite whale down votes. I would appreciate it.

I'm not an unreasonable person and want Steem to be successful. I thought I was helping but maybe I'm not. It could be I'm going overboard and have crossed the line to be a spammer of my contests. My intention was to be helpful and give to the community. So I apologize to those I have obviously offended and will scale back to once or twice per week (if at all) as per feed back to these posts. Hopefully that will solve this problem and I won't be considered evil. I'm not going to send 40 STEEM to blacklist and they should revise that policy if indeed that is what they want.

For the good of the Steemit Platform letting bots hurt accounts without any justification should be looked at. This isn't right in my opinion I have tried to do right by the community and give to it. I believe I have helped a lot of smaller accounts get started with a little SBD. And without warning or chance to adjust postings I get huge down votes with no recourse. Steemcleaners was useless and I'm not going to hunt down @adm to kiss whoever's ass to remove the downvote. The only whale votes I think I ever got are these 3 whale down votes. And that is a shame that my contests never got any support yet I funded them to help others. And this is the outcome. I think the whole platform losses today thanks to @adm and abuse of whale power. But whatever he is bigger than me so that's just the way it goes on Steemit.

It was a good run and I thank everyone that participated. There were some great comments and discussions on a variety of topics. I enjoyed them and I hope others did as well.

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