The Most important Issue - A world full of religious people : IFC - S1 : R30 entry woman praying.jpg

Do you ever wish certain things in the world had more attention put towards them?

The world is full of very religious people. Very many of us belong to one religion or the other, and fundamentally, religions preach love.

According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world - wikipedia

Yeah, I read that about 75% of the world's population practice one of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or Judaism, but there are thousands of other religions with fewer faithfuls.

While Islam has been linked to terrorism time and again (which clearly does not typify love) some concerned Muslims continue to denounce terrorism as a misinterpretation of Islamic principles. Even the traditional and so-called barbaric religions preach love. So Overwhelmingly, religion teaches love.

So I was thinking for this challenge, I want you to create a blog post about what you think the most important issue is out there that needs more attention put on it in your opinion.

Like why is the world so devoid of love when there are so many religious people? Why is there so much anti-love behaviour?

There are soooooo many things that demand more attention in the world today but there would be a lot less of such cases if we simply loved as we are commanded. Sounds utopian?

For Christians (and pretty much like in other religions) God says: Love Him with all of you (in order words, please him, do what he says) and love your neighbour as yourself. So, how about we actually, really, do what God says? How about the religious houses talk more about this responsibility that has been placed on us?

Sure we want to be successful in life and WE love to hear that WE are free of the influence of evil forces and WE want to live happily after life ... but a little consideration for the neighbour? How about offering support when you can, treating her like you would want to be treated?

Loving our own selves isn't going to be that difficult for most, we are inherently selfish anyway, hence God's commandment. Surely, if we loved God it wouldn't be so difficult to love our neighbour?

And you know what? Believe it or not, doing this will simplify life to a good extent, we'd probably begin to wish for some anarchy for excitement!

What, you are not an adherent if any religion? Well, I do believe it's important to believe in God for our own good. What would a person's life be like if he thought himself to be the be-all? It sure would reflect in the way he treats other people, don't you agree? Who's to question him?

And belief in a sovereign God helps you through those 'insurmountable' problems. Some people believe in karma and it's a check. Believing life is one chance ball with no consequences is very dangerous for the believer and all around him.

Now, many of us than will care to admit have occasional doubts about the existence of God. You are certainly not a leftist if you do. As a matter of fact, if you think about the kind of questions I asked in a previous challenge it might lead you down that road, but I personally have come to a realisation that a belief in the existence of God can only be for our own good. The pros are weightier than the cons. In fact, it's a recipe for happiness for those who diligently seek him, as the Bible says, and I see the evidence of this around me.

So fellows, how about we pay attention to this core demand of our faiths instead of playing religion? How about letting our love for our neighbour be what shows God that we love Him? How about you simply practise what you claim to believe?

This is my entry for the Information Finding Championship (IFC) Round 30: What is the most important issue?

Thanks for reading!

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