Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 27 entry

This week's edition of the contest is an alphabet word challenge:


Write 4 sentences with every word starting with the corresponding letter of the alphabet. For example if you start with the letter A the next word would have to start with B and the following word C and so on until all 26 letters are used. You may start with any letter of the alphabet, but must continue with the next letter for the next word and so on. For example starting with J next word would start with K and so on. Ideally we would like the sentences to be as structured as you can.

Start of an example sentence for any clarification:

All Ben's Cats Danced Elegantly...etc. etc.

Below is my entry:

1. All Bored Couples Divorce Eventually.

2. Few Gain Happiness Indulging Jaded Kinsmen.

3. Lasting Marriages Never Overlook Passionate Quarrels.

4. Relationship Studies Thrust Undervalued Vows With Xenophobic Youthful Zeal.

This is the first time I'm entering for the contest and I am quite excited!

Thank you for being here,

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