Snowpocalypse Survival Challenge Day 6

You are in disbelief that you actually found your partner in this frozen wilderness!

You halfway think you are freezing to death and hallucinating!

If you chose Option 3 you began rubbing your partner’s hands for warmth. This further damages the tissue.

If the two of you survive today's challenge, your partner has fingers amputated.

If you chose Option 1 you started a fire first. Gathering dry tinder and wood and starting a fire took time, during which your partner’s fingers suffered more damage from the frostbite. If you both survive today's challenge, your partner faces finger amputation.

• Never rub frostbitten tissue. And be careful not to warm it too fast. Many people are drawn to placing hands or feet in hot water. You do not want hot water, you want body temperature water- around 97-99 degrees.

If you chose Option 2 you immediately placed your partner’s hands against your chest. Under your layers, your body’s core is the perfect temperature to slowly rewarm them.

When the color comes back to the fingers, you drape the emergency blanket around your partner and instruct them to place their hands under their clothing against their core, and you set about starting a fire.

Every survivor starts a fire

Luckily, you have a mini bag of nacho cheese Dorito’s! They are a great Firestarter!

You snap many dead, leafless branches from surrounding trees, they may be wet with snow but they will burn easier than live branches. You will add fresh tree branches later, knowing they will also produce more smoke when burning- dark smoke that will be seen for miles now that the wind and storm have dissipated.

You arrange your fire pit location and light the nacho chips which burn hot and bright. You add the dry branches and quickly gather more, plus some wet ones.

Before long you have a nice fire which is producing a promising plume of smoke which drifts steadily upward, carrying your hopes of rescue high into the heavens.

You sit beside your partner and breathe a sigh of relief, giving thanks for your small victory.

Your imagination has been working in a frenzy. How on Earth did your partner end up down here?


Having been holed up in the car all this time, your partner decided to get out and look around. Thirsty, they brought an empty water bottle to try to fill with snow with hopes their body heat could melt it. Eating frozen snow should only be considered when dehydrated. Always melt or heat snow to comfortable drinking temperature otherwise you hasten your already cold body toward a hypothermic state.

While outside, they walked down the road to where it curved around the mountain, hoping to be able to see something further along the road.

Maneuvering through the thigh-high snow without proper gear, your partner chose parts of the road which appeared windswept. Unfortunately, this caused them to slip on an icy patch and roll down the mountain. The incline was great so they fell a long way.

Luckily the snow was fresh powder so no injuries were sustained.

You partner then began crisscrossing up the mountain, hoping to return to the car.

Before long you spotted each other!

You share the remaining energy bar and the melted water, then fill the steel canteen with snow and place it by the flames to melt.

You discuss plan options. Should you continue to warm up and hydrate (partner is dehydrated from being stuck in the car) then continue up to route 12 and find one of your vehicles. Should you head up now and build a snow cave before dark if you do not find shelter?

You carefully weigh the pros and cons of each possibility.

You decide that with any choice, you will make a bigger fire to make more smoke and hopefully attract attention.

You and your partner start breaking off tree branches from the surrounding area.

You hear a scream. You run.

Your partner is flailing in water. They fell through ice. You didn't even realize you were near or on a body of water covered in snow from the avalanche.

What do you do?

Option 1 Quickly get near the edge and spread your legs wide. Take off your belt and use it for your partner to grab hold of and hoist them out.

Option 2 Crawl then shimmy on your belly when near edge and carefully hoist them out.

Option 3 Instruct them to get to the edge of the ice where they were before they fell through and spread their elbows to lift out of the water.

Bonus: for upvotes:) What do you do next if you get your partner out of the water?

I will put the three choices in the comments. Place your choice in the corresponding comment. There is one choice that is best for survival.

In 24 hours I will post the answers.

Everyone who participates in each day's challenge is a winner! The Grand Prize winner will receive 70% of the prize pool. And all other participants who play every day will receive an equal share of 30% of the liquid SBD Prize Pool, even if you die in the game.

Good Luck!

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