Brainstorming Ideas for Steemit Content- Be Honest, Be Original

I've had the majority of the evening to think about what I would kind of content I'd like to create and share with others here on Steemit. I've also had the ample time to read many posts from other Steemit users and see what kind of helpful advice they have to offer, what has worked for them and what hasn't. What I've gathered from reading and interacting thus far has provided me with the initiative to begin writing again after what I've felt has been a long battle with writer's block and honestly, too much time spent procrastinating. What I'd like to address in this post and provide to the reading audience are a few ideas that I've thought out in hopes that these ideas will help any newcomers to the site.

First of all, know your audience. Understand not everyone's going to be drawn to the same material. We all come from distinct backgrounds, have various levels of skill, experience, expertise, and education, have vast differences in preferences, likes and dislikes, and are subjectively fond of things that stand out to us on an individual level.

Of course, we all want to generate financial rewards by using Steemit, however depending on the person's writing aptitude, ability to gain exposure, willingness to exert the energy required in writing a well thought out post and remaining consistent in your posting here play major factors in how much you will gain monetarily. Personally, I'm not here just for the money. I am here, as I stated in a previous post to gain knowledge, and experience, to apply myself here as an active member by providing constructive criticism and to give support to others where I see an opportunity to do so, and improve my writing skills along the way. I am aware that I am my own harshest critic, especially when it comes to my writing skills, and here I can test the waters, whereas on other platforms I don't see much in the way of a venue for self -examination and genuine critique from others.

Another idea I'd like to present is to be sure that we are original in our thoughts and the content we share. If I wanted to see more copy and paste posts then I'd venture back over to Facebook, and continue on in the circle jerk of monotony. Apparently, that's not what I desire, and neither do most of the other users here at Steemit. Thus, you will not find me sharing other people's content and presenting it as my own. I am a stickler for ethics, and one of the things I have found most honorable about Steemit is their policy on plagiarism, and how vocal others have been in rewarding others for creating their own content instead of stealing other people's work and gaining upvotes by what I would call deceptive measures. Since, I'll be spending more time here than Facebook over the next several months if not longer I'll be able to spot the b.s. from the honest to God real stuff, and I won't be upvoting the junk. Now, if that bothers you then by all means, leave a comment below and let me know why you disagree. I'm all for open dialogue and transparency and from what I've gathered so is most of everyone else here.

Another idea before I close, write what you really feel and think. Don't allow yourself to be held back by what you think someone else will feel about your honest ideas, and opinions. You have ideas, and people DO want to hear them. Maybe you have facts that others haven't heard of yet, and haven't been exposed to- share them, too! Let's create content that will cause others to think deeply, not just gain in cryptocurrency. Those are my thoughts for tonight for you to think upon! I'll be back in a few hours to bring something else to the table. Good luck all on your writing and content ventures. Wishing you lots of upvotes, and steemit stuffs!

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