What Do YOU Qualify As Good Content?


In my year and a half journey thus far on the Steem blockchain, I have seen countless posts and comments discussing “quality content”. There are those that feel this place should only be for top quality content creators...or professionals. Then there are those that want the masses to be onboarded. Sadly with regular everyday people...you are going to get regular everyday postings. It’s just how it goes and I’m perfectly fine with that. I actually welcome it.

I personally am not interested in most of the random crypto talk, but that’s what seems to be supported the most heavily here. But what about the chef talking about delicious creations? Or the cab driver discussing his crazy fares? The working folks who write about their dead end job? The kid talking about her strufgles or triumphs with schooling? People talking about their cats? Is that good content or shit?!? Because I’ve seen folks here arguing on both sides of the fence.

I personally write about whatever the hell I feel like. It’s mostly nerdy shit...but I also discuss my pups. I talk serious issues like illness and my own struggles...then pivot to a completely fictional piece made to (hopefully) garner a laugh or two. But according to some...my content would not be “quality”. That’s fine...they don’t have to like it. I’m not writing it for them. I’m writing it for me. If it finds someone who resonates with it, that’s great and I’m appreciative of it. But if not, fuck it...onto the next random thought I want to talk about. These are probably the main reasons why I haven’t grown as quickly (organically) as some of my other friends here who have surged past me with support levels. I kinda don’t give a fuck. I just write what I want to write.

I know when I write about the weekly comics that come out, at least currently...my audience is micro penis small. I have the usual regular fellow nerds that are interested but outside of that, maybe a couple take a peek and possibly leave a comment. But to me...That’s exciting! The fact that someone like @janton who has told me several times that he’s not knowledgeable on my world, comes to my post to see the weird random toys that were just released...that right there is the beauty of Steem and one of the reasons I love it. To me, it’s connecting everyday folks who might have a common interest. Are we professional bloggers?!? No...but does it mean we don’t belong?!? Fuck that noise!

I think we all have something interesting to share...finding, networking, building, and connecting with said audience that finds what you have to say valuable...that’s the challenging and rewarding part.

So I’m curious...what do you feel is quality content and what do you dislike? What do you look for when looking for new users to support? When you are scrolling the feeds here, what gets you to click on something from someone you don’t know?

To me, it’s just whatever tickles my fancy. I’ve definitely gone outside my realm of comfort here to try to learn more about something new. I’m also trying to be better about throwing support not just to the friends I’ve made here...which I do feel is important. But to new users talking about weird off the beaten path type shit. We need those people here too. This shouldn’t just be an echo chamber discussing the inner workings of Steem. That is going to get us nowhere fast.

Anyway, lmk your thoughts. I look forward to seeing what you all value and dislike as far as content creation.


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