The Psychology Of Control & The Manufacturing Of Mainstream Culture


The Psychology Of Control

I must have been about eight years old when I began to notice the control and manipulation mechanisms that television heralded over my friends. The incessant repetition of catchphrases and the purchase of associated products was akin to a mind virus that spread from child to child. From then onwards I have been on a journey that has taken me to the outer limits of the mind and human psychology. Today I’m going to discuss the multifaceted nature of societal manipulation and equally display my belief that television is manipulating us towards the collectivisation of thought.


In light of the information contained within this post it’s sobering to note that the average person spends approx eight hours per day in front of some form of screen (more time than sleep). By the time they reach seventy years old they will have spent approx 10-15 years watching TV and four years watching adverts. Although with the ability to freeze and fast forward TV the adverts have now become more insidious.

As I’ve already alluded to it’s my belief that msm pop culture carries a subliminal virus and to a great extent television is the needle that injects this virus into the mind of the viewer. Indeed I profoundly feel that television should be looked upon as a tool of entrainment and not entertainment. Whilst our conscious minds deal with rational and logic it’s interesting to note that when watching TV our minds enter the alpha state. The alpha brainwave is the link between the conscious and subconscious mind and so in many ways television provides the programmer with a doorway into the subconscious. In bypassing the brains ability to rationalise, propagandists are able to use emotional sequences to attach subliminal messages into the mind of the viewer.

Social engineers have been refining these techniques for generations , refining them to the point of weaponisation. Insidiously implanting ideas that we later subconsciously absorb into our perception and associated belief systems, a war on the mind and free will.

Big brother.png

False Foundations

Although I hate the analogy of our brain being a biological computer (we’re much more than that) for me the similarity comes from the perspective that our minds are only as good as the information we put into it. Irrespective of intelligence if you control the input then (to an ever increasing degree) you control the perceptual reality. From this perspective and in many ways we live in an externally created virtual reality, an illusion; life now imitates art and although in the context of television/media I use the word “art” very loosely society appears to be mimicking what it watches, subconsciously morphing into it and the more we mimic the faster the virus spreads.

Must Watch

An Instigator Of Degradation

Television has both changed and (I believe) degraded every country it has been visited upon. Although each country downloads slightly different cultural messages the media is also creating narratives that transcend culture and play to the aforementioned emotions. This is a faux and contrived definition of unity, but in the march towards globalism and the hive mind we must have common scripts and narratives that we are following. So lets take a look at how they manipulate perception and mold the general consensus.


Talk Shows

The vast majority of people are hardwired to gravitate towards the choices of their peers and the general consensus. The basis of this hardwiring originates from our tribal past and as we march towards the hive mind, it’s being increasingly weaponised against us. Within the tribe cohesion, agreement and common purpose was key to the survival of the individual. Indeed to become ostracised from the collective was both dangerous and potentially tantamount to a death sentence.

So taking this into consideration let’s take a look at how the oft propagandic late night talk show uses this basis to mold an artificial, externally created general consensus. Indeed a consensus that is itself a stepping stone towards group think and the hive mind endgame. The talk show is increasingly used to point the collective in a preordained destination. Through visual cues the studio audience are told how to react, their manipulated laughter/distain is then used to filter certain ideas/perceptions into the minds of the viewer at home. The viewer then incorporates these ideas into their perceptual reality. Through laughter and derision the viewer is subconsciously absorbed into the perspective of the manipulated group think.

Canned Laughter

The canned laughter we hear within the sitcom are utilised as both an acknowledgement and awareness that the individual needs to hear feedback before committing to a joke and indeed the same can be said for a point of view. The canned laughter and now the more nuanced visual cues signal that in sharing the laughter the individual is part of the collective, the talk show simply exchanges the canned laughter for applause signs. Alongside emotional responses comedy is a powerful tool of propaganda. The laughter, applause, boo’s and derision bypasses the minds logic shields and creates a subconscious perception of individuals and events. By incorporating the orchestrated group think messages into their perception, individuals are programmed to react negatively to people whom are either not part of the group or the groupthink perspective.


MSM News

News programmes (programming) are increasingly incorporating these perceptual manipulations into their reporting and reading. The newsreaders laughter, the raised eyebrow, the smile, the change of tone when discussing certain individuals and events are again used to influence the subconscious mind of the viewer. Keywords such as “terror” or “change” etc etc are known to illicit observable emotional responses. Patterns of words and the repetition of words/phrases are used again used to infiltrate the subconscious and drive subliminal messages home.

Speech patterns of the newsreaders are very similar to those of a hypnotist, as is the fact that the reader looks you directly in the eye whilst saying them. It’s no mistake that newsreaders often keep their jobs for such a length of time, this is done to instil trust within the viewer. Because many of us grow from childhood to adulthood being read the news by the same faces, we subconsciously take it for granted that they are speaking the truth. Equally each important message/story follows a familiar pattern which also garners trust.

The introduction to a particular subject is then followed by an expert’s opinion (because an expert knows best) which is then followed by a conclusion that leaves little room for questioning. I will also add that they are adept at creating a narrative without committing themselves legally, listen to the words they use for they are very important. The terms suspected, alleged etc are often tied in with the emotive words such as attack, terror etc and so they are often missed and thus they create a false perspective in the mind of the viewer. I can’t stress this enough, pay close attention to every word they use, for every word is both well chosen and deliberate!


Media Created Success Stories

In terms of the direction society is being pushed in or message that the manipulator wants us to absorb, the popularity of films, tv, books etc are often created and are not a result of their merit or organic growth. The audience is literally told what is going to be a success and the vast majority are carried along by this faux general consensus. This consensus is then repeated so often that it becomes accepted fact, equally it’s fact that the majority may not have reached of their own volition.

As an example, I watched this process in action with the book (and now film franchise) fifty shades of grey. I have previously highlighted my belief that there is an increasing attempt to separate love and sex and from this perspective the book appeared to fulfil a wider narrative relating to sex as a control mechanism. Coming from a relatively unknown author, suddenly the book was everywhere and garnering the level of exposure lavish Hollywood epics would be jealous of. It was the buzz word, it was in papers, magazines, talk shows and I even noticed prime time news programmes had dedicated entire slots to discuss/advertise it. Someone wanted this book to be absorbed into the public consciousness, and from this perspective it didn't really matter whether you read it or not .. we all knew what it was about.

As a way to ascertain whether this level of exposure was testament to the novels literary prowess (and equally so I could later write about it) I read a few chapters and found it to be poorly written and distinctly average. Equally as I already knew, the novel fitted into a longer and wider term narrative and so talent didn’t really come into it. I would also like to add that if you enjoyed it that’s fine, but we have to get away from viewing the world through our eyes and see it from the social engineers perspective.


Sport & Televised Sport

Firstly I’m not saying sport is bad! Indeed it’s very beneficial to health and I recognise that entirely, but again it pays to step back and view it from a different perspective. A hundred or so years ago sports culture, the notion of adults playing competitive sports in arenas would have been greeted with laughter and derision. Playing was something that children did, whilst adults focused upon .. well adult things! Yes, before I’m shouted down I realise that is a simple analogy but without getting into the whole history of sport I’m going to leave it there. Although, I will just say that in ancient history the Olympics etc were very different from the team system we have today and much of what is now termed sport was associated with military prowess/combat. Team sports predominantly originated from the British Empire during the 19th century.


It was at this time the writer, futurist and indeed eugenicist H.G Wells began to envisage the sports arenas and sport culture of the future. The manufactured sports culture would again utilise a tribal system of allegiances. With this idea as a template as institutions gradually and insidiously began to take over all the masculine roles; sport was considered an outlet for an aggression that may have otherwise been channelled into matters of consequence. By manipulating the tribal basis of our heritage they slowly channelled the definition of masculinity away from the role of societal protector and into support of their team/tribe and indeed sports arena. Slowly greasing the skids to ease the males gradual slide into disenfranchisement and allowing the social engineers an ever increasing free reign to construct the social order.


Racism & The Left Right Paradigm

Whilst I’m discussing the manipulation of our tribal heritage I will take a brief aside to point out that racism is manipulated play on tribalism and as such in many ways it’s also manufactured. It’s perfectly understandable that within the tribe outsiders would have been viewed with mistrust, indeed this is a hardwired survival mechanism. But where I believe our true path of evolution would have gradually built towards one tribe, the social engineers have again used this hardwiring to ferment racism as a tool of perpetual division and control.

Racism also plays to the left/right paradigm and the pendulum of totalitarianism, they manipulate the pendulum to swing to the far right and as people realise what is/has happened they attach the guilt to a populace that then instinctively runs back to the left. This is exactly what’s happening now and because everyone is looking to the right the pendulum of totalitarianism is currently swinging back to the left, although equally they both feed each other. This is (I believe) the reason for the predominant focus on right wing totalitarianism in our education system; it has rendered the tactics of the left increasingly invisible to children and future generations and as such leaves the door open for one final swing. My advice is that if you’re crossing the road its best to look both ways!


Entrainment Cycles

When the social engineers want to introduce a new, controversial idea that is outside of the belief or indeed morality of the populace they use what I call entrainment cycles. They introduce an idea, first of all it will be in maybe a couple of papers perhaps a talk show and then they step back and gauge opinion. They then wait for a while and bring in the second cycle and this time it will have a wider reach, more papers, more shows and then again they step back. They repeat this process as many times as is necessary and each time the cycle becomes tighter and receives more coverage.

Eventually the cycle becomes so tight and widespread it reaches a singularity of thought, the subconscious of the populace has become so entrained to this new idea/direction that they both accept it and incorporate it into their perceptual reality. The term "boiling frogs" is a similar concept, although I prefer my cyclical analogy as our brains, physiology and metabolic processes are en-tuned to the cyclical nature of reality, seasons, the clocks, lunar cycles and so I feel our brains are maluable to the cyclical nature of this manipulation.


Soft Trauma Based Mind Control

One thing to be aware of whilst watching news media is soft trauma based mind control. Despite what the media portray for the vast majority of mankind violence and evil are not naturally compatible to the human condition. Yes people carry out evil acts but there are few that are genuinely born to be cruel, evil is a perversion of the human condition and at our essence it is not who we are. In terms of msm news, certain tv programmes and films they show or describe visceral violence which is then often followed by soothing imagery. It's my belief that by alternating between good and evil the images play to the duality of our psyche.

By contrasting between disturbing violence and humour, compassion the brain subconsciously disassociates itself from the trauma and creates a kind of soft alter ego/splinter personality within our minds. This is the brains coping mechanism but is also done in such a subtle way that we do not notice it. It's my belief that there is an intent behind this and its being done so that we subconsciously disassociate ourselves from the violence which over a long period of time drains our abilty to empathise with the plight of our fellow man/woman.



The deceptions I’ve discussed in this post are much like hypnotism, in that they don’t work on everyone and so I’m obviously using generalisations. Many recognise the vapid and indeed souless nature of our mainstream culture, but the vast majority are unaware of the control mechanisms that are being built around us. There are people that are paid vast sums of money to define your perceptual reality and I profoudly feel that now is the time to take back control of our minds and this starts by understanding that we are on the fontlines of a mind war.

To see the world as it really is, requires us to open our eyes and equally in the process open our minds and understand what it could be. The world is and always has been what we make it and the power is and always has been with the people, we just need to help each other remember that fact.

Thank you for reading, until next time I will once again leave you to decide who has the perceptual flaws.

I would also like to invite you to take a look at three of my other associated posts as I feel that when combined they provide a comprehensive overview of what we're up against.



Written by perceptualflaws
Original Pictures by perceptualflaws
Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth

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