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Q Anon – don't do the Q-iz, do the Q-est

Have you ever seen a cat frightened by a Q-cumber? Looks so Q-t, right?! I see many people on the internet these days acting like those Q-tees.

Ever heard of Defango? Or Cicada 3301 maybe? In the video collection posted below below you can hear Defango speaking about the fact that Q-Anon is an invention of those guys who are part of the cicada project.


I've been a part of it. I wrote half of the questions this dude asked on the message board…

(note how he pauses before he goes on, rather calling him a dude instead of saying Q-Anon. Very clever. So advanced. It's not citable that way. Props @defango!)

… I didn't type them in and put them out myself but this is a group of people that worked together to see what we could do with individuals online.

Then there's this interview with Anonymus Zach on Alex Jones where this guy refers to "we" when asked about Q Anon. You don't trust Jones? Neither do I. Just be aware of it to get the gist of the Q-mulation of references.

Video 3 is a clip by former US Army Lieutenant Colonel Roy Potter where he talks about Q Anon being a project

The Q-re to it all

Stay q-rious. Who cares about Q Anon? There's only one solution to all of our problems anyways. Every single one needs to research history and find out about what we call truth. We don't need anyone to pose some Q-estions to us. Ask yourself those questions to start the Q-est. Don't ever get distracted by any of those breadcrumbs someone else provides. Whether it's your best friend or Alex Jones it makes no different.

Stop doing the Q-iz start the Q-est

Q-mulated clips

Video 1 Defango about his involvement in the project

at around 36:15

Video 2 Anonymous Zach says "we" when asked about Q Anon

Video 3 former US Army Lieutenant Colonel Roy Potter