Chakras and squirting – yes, there's a connection you should know about!

You’ve heard about squirting, you’ve heard about chakras, you’ve heard about the misterious G-spot, maybe you’ve even heard about the secret gland in female bodies. Let’s put all of it together and make perfect sense of it … aaaand casually learn how to make women squirt. Yes! Have fun reading and sharing this knowledge!

secrets and secretion

Do you remember sex education in school? Where they showed you this drawing illustrating the inside of a vagina? Maybe it looked like this and perfectly informed you about every organ you need to reproduce or process food.


What it doesn't show is another organ that most of us think, only men would have. Why do we think that? Because that's what we got taught. Men have a prostate gland, women don't, right? Well, wrong! Let me show you some more accurate drawings of the female body.


This one shows what noone ever told you about: the female prostate gland. And like the male one it produces secretion. Isn't it funny? The secret organ is producing secretion. What else? Next picture is even better. It shows you how to find it.


There are many tutorials on the internet on how to stimulate the female prostate. 😉 Have fun, everyone!

G-spot or more accurately Gräfenberg-spot

Did you know the reason we call this mystical and not scientifically acknowledged spot the G-spot? It derives from the German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg who "experimented" with women in the fifties. He said that women suffering from what they called "Hysteria" back then, could only be healed by having orgasms. Those women didn't give consent for Dr. Gräfenbergs treatment. They were tied to their beds while the Doctor treated them. However, he was perfectly right in his descriptions on where to find the gland. But I really hate the way he found out about it.

what's all of that got to do with chakras?

Yes, that's a good question! Basically, all your chakras are very similar to your endocrine system. Your second chakra is called the sacral chakra.
The sacral chakra is associated with the scope of emotions. It’s the center of your emotions and sensations. It’s notably active in our sexuality and the expression of our sensual and sexual desires.


Motivated by pleasure, it’s the driving force for the enjoyment of life. Opening your sacral chakra allows you to feel the world around and inside yourself. It supports personal expansion and the formation of identity through relating to others and to the world.

Good sex makes people happy. Who would have thought that?
Go, find the secret gland, have lots of fun and produce many lovely little babies. It's a good concept for starting the new year.

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