9/11 - Results From An Informal Steemit Survey -Does Steemit Believe The US Government Was Involved?

After 3 days I would like to provide results from the informal survey I carried out on Steemit entitled 9/11 Do You Believe The US Government Was Involved? - An Informal Steemit Survey.

Although this is a discussion about something that happened almost 16 years ago I want to write posts concerning how our world is run today. 9/11 is an important watershed which explains much of what we see around us now. I wanted to know if it was necessary to address the context of 9/11 in my future discussions or if I could skip it.

My question has been well and truly answered by the Steemit community! Thank you!

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The Results

To be honest I did not expect many people to become engaged in this discussion - but I am glad they did! I was shocked at how successful this post was and surprisingly it is currently at the top of the trending feed for the tag conspiracy:

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The total results after three days are:

Number of commenters who believe the government was involved:


Number of commenters who didn't believe the government was involved:


Number of comments (including mine) after 3 days:


Number of upvotes:


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96% of Steemians believe that there was some form of US government involvement in the destruction of World Trade Centres 1,2 and 7.

The results are very clear!

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Comments Of Mention - Agreeing The Government Was Involved in 9/11:

I want to thank all of the people who commented on my initial post. There was some excellent information contained in the comments and I was able to learn several interesting points.

There were too many excellent comments to mention so I have just chosen three that I liked to list here.

  • @titusfrost said: Screen Shot 2017-08-19 at 23.55.31.png
    I thought his post linked here is excellent and really worth reading. I have a lot of respect for his research!

  • @techtek and @teamsteem said: Screen Shot 2017-08-19 at 23.57.32.png Screen Shot 2017-08-19 at 23.57.44.png
    Although I haven't checked this myself I will soon. However I have grown to trust @teamsteem who says they have checked the veracity of this image. Conditioning our minds subliminally happens in all our media. It is very dangerous and is the reason why I don't own or watch a television any more. This is odd and disturbing but happens more than we realise!

  • @anarchospace and @sift666 had several interesting exchanges in the comments but here are two of my favourites: Screen Shot 2017-08-20 at 0.17.20.pngScreen Shot 2017-08-20 at 0.16.58.png

The spike in put options for stock trading during the attacks is a real smoking gun. Obviously the people who profited in this manner had knowledge of what was going to happen. Nobody was ever prosecuted for this - but they sure did profit! =(

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Comments Of Mention - Disagreeing That The Government Was Involved in 9/11:

As the results are so one sided I am sure the majority of participants would like to hear the comments made by people who don't think the government was involved with 9/11.

I would like to thank these two commenters because I know how hard it is to be in the minority of a perspective!

I have heard opinions written in this type of language many times online, so I was very interested to look into the profile of this Steemian. Here is a screenshot of their blog page:

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The first word in this profile page is Zionisim which according to Wikipedia is a political movement created in 1897. The history and circumstances surrounding Zionisim are fascinating and deserve their own post.

Sadly I feel that many Jewish people are lied to as much as the rest of our world - perhaps even more! The political movement of Zionisim clearly benefited from the 9/11 attacks as the US began it's military campaigns in the Middle East.

I have yet to hear a cogent explanation of what Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran had to do with 9/11!

This young person makes the point that if the government of the US really was involved in 9/11 they would not have been able to keep it a secret and somebody would have leaked the truth. On the face of it this is a reasonable assumption.

My feelings about this are that the top-down pyramid of control in the US, along with actors from outside the country were able to profit enormously from this crime and keep it quiet. There is so much evidence now which makes a mockery of the official version - yet no new investigation has been started.

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Why Has Nothing Been Done About This?

It is clear that the Steemit community does not believe the nonsensical arguments the "official" narrative sold to us for the causes of 9/11. It is obvious now that I also don't believe this rubbish and I share the viewpoint of the majority in this community.

It is an unusual treat for me to be part of the majority! LOL!

As we know 9/11 was the catalyst for the phoney "War On Terror" which has killed and displaced untold millions across the world. The American people spent trillions of dollars fighting this war and thousands of their youth made the ultimate sacrifice of death during combat. The people also had their money devalued through inflation in the process.

There are clearly some major players who have profited from the untold trillions spent on this phoney war. My heart breaks for the poor people who have had to bear the brunt of the military action. Yet the wars and murder continue!

Why has there not been a new investigation? Why has nobody been to court over this?

I know that Steemit does not represent the majority view point of America but as it grows perhaps this knowledge will spread. We need to prosecute these murderers and looking at who profited is a great place to start! Lets keep educating ourselves and spread this knowledge.

The Jockey believes in You and wants to help! =)

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Thank You Steemians!

I wish to extend my sincere thanks to all of those who participated in this informal survey of Steemians! It has been an extremely interesting discussion that I hope continues!

My respectful thanks (in no particular order) for All the comments go to:

@titusfrost, @surfyogi, @nzfxtrader, @anarchospace, @sift666, @creatr, @lost.identity, @terhtek, @teamsteem, @samstonehill, @canadian-coconut, @thejohalfiles, @ausbitbank, @xeldal, @lrock, @hr1, @aomura, @planetmarketers, @cmoljoe, @foxkoit, @granunic0rn, @jinhyui, @doule, @msg768, @tecnosgirl, @daniel82, @neuralink, @zeidlitwhips, @fingersik, @makecents, @sauna, @pagandance, @dado13btc, @drdave, @rollingthunder, @adyrebecca, @hulabugger, @tunnelrat, @johngault, @richard78624, @andrewdaines, @aljrodven, @majajobee, @oxdude, @ailema, @auskiwi, @andre-ager, @josephmcconnell, @mitchiesfoodrace, @caredycatguide, @stillwater, @flatearthvegan, @treetoptennis, @pagandance, @gerben, @garthfreeman, @shelbymonster, @mwh930

Images courtesy of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

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