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September 11, 2001: Anyone ever heard of the company AMEC?


Does anyone else find it interesting that a company called AMEC Construction (a subsidiary of the British conglomerate, AMEC) the day prior to the 9/11 attacks (Sept 10, 2001) had just finished a multi-month long bomb mitigation renovation, including adding Kevlar reinforcements inside the exterior walls on the bottom floors of the West face of wedge 1 as well as the internal walls of the Office of Naval Intelligence inside the building, which just so happens to be the exact location of the pentagon that was "struck" the following day during the attacks, and that this exact location is right next to where the pentagon budget office computers were held, destroying the primary records of the 2.3 trillion dollars which was announced missing by Donald Rumsfeld the same day the renovations were completed (Sept 10, 2001), killing 95% of the team inside the building who were trying to track the missing money that morning?

Does anyone else find it interesting that this same company AMEC also did a series of multiple renovations to Building 7 (WTC7) shortly prior to 9/11 as well, and "by chance" that's where the offsite backup records for the pentagon budget computers were held (on a secure server within WTC7), and because of this the offsite backup pentagon budget records were also destroyed that same day during the attacks, eliminating the only other pentagon budget records that could be used to "try" to track the "missing" trillions going forward?

Does anyone else find it also interesting that after the pentagon "attack" on 9/11 this same company AMEC was the primary entity hired to cleanup the pentagon debris, and was also tasked with rebuilding the damaged area of the pentagon (wedge 1) for a 2nd time?

Does anyone else find it interesting again that this same company AMEC was 1 of 5 companies put in charge of the WTC debris removal in NYC after the 9/11 attacks took place, and was even the primary company in charge, and was the specific company responsible for the Hudson River barging operations to transport debris from the WTC site to a Staten Island landfill and then the steel recycling operations in New Jersey?

All just a coincidence I am sure...