More ‘f’in Blues

I’m really only adding this post today as a place to comment on Miles Mathis’ blog on ROME...

On the blues. I’m slowly making some progress with it but admit to being a tad retarded when it comes to learning this genre....DOH!

I’ve been riffing on Rome lately so I can’t pass up the chance to comment on this. But first, a small prelude. Recently, in the news, there were two stories that I KNEW were fake as soon as I heard them. Long after my immediate gut intuition Miles did a paper that went into the details of these fake news stories. One was about a U.S. army serviceman who went public asking for accountability in the military and the other one was about the murder of a young woman by her boyfriend. FAKE!

Miles has documented what I’ve come to believe about Rome and Egypt: that the Hebrews were very often rulers in these places. Study the pictures in his paper because it’s hard to dismiss. I’ve said that America could be thought of as _New Rome _and who sits at the top of America’s pyramid today? Yup, that’s right, and, in fact, it was Freemason’s (Kabbalah) that created America. And just a note that MERI was known as a mother goddess in Egypt. The Mississippi is even symbolic of the Nile and Memphis was named for a reason. But the Egypt/Hebrew connection is another blog.

I agree with much of Miles’ take on things when it comes to Rome but I’m not buying that Caesar didn’t have sex with woman. I’m not arguing that he wasn’t having sex with men and boys as many Romans were. I’m saying. that in my opinion, he did have a child with the Hebrew Cleopatra. I’d also point out that if all the males within his theories were strictly gay then the Phoenician bloodline wouldn’t have lasted very long! I kind of think he’s shooting down his own theories on this one.

Okay, so some of you might know that I think it was Caesar’s son Caesarian who became the Christ figure. I also don’t think Octavian murdered him. Of all the theories surrounding the Christ myth this is the one that gets dismissed and backwashed the most. Any Youtube videos on this particular theme are done so poorly that I’ve come to the conclusion that that isn’t accidental either. Especially compared to the quality of documentaries like Caesar’s Messiah, by Ralph Ellis, who misdirects away from this theory big time. He even adds a non-existent female child to Caesar and Cleopatra to make his ideas work.

I know there is one group I don’t have to convince: The Freemason’s as their whole oeuvre is premised on the world Messiah being from this bloodline. Now, could I be wrong? Of course! But I wouldn’t suggest this if I thought I was wrong. Oh, BTW: if you haven’t watched HBO’s Rome then you really should. The whole point of that series, it seems to me, was to once again plant the idea that Caesarian wasn’t who I think he was: The Son Of God (Caesar) who was born of a Virgin Queen (Isis/Kleopatra). It’s also curious that Miles didn’t comment on the name Octavian given his pointing out of the use of 8 in most of his writings and what that symbolizes.


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