Exploring My Responsibility in Creating Reality

For me to be effective within a system, I feel like I have to understand the system. Either that’s my computer science engineering background talking, or it’s the reason I became an engineer.

I want to understand the system of this reality so that I can more effectively work within it to create a world we all want to live in while avoiding unintended consequences. Meditation is training designed to clarify and train the control over the mind to ensure those who obtain the powers of shared consensus creation use it appropriately and carefully according to their conscious intention, not according to some random unconscious blip of a… “Squirrel!” distraction.

Can you imagine the dangers of giving the people who literally create reality the ability to change that reality with a random stray thought?

Much safer to keep most people unaware of their abilities and tuned into a set program and routine (religion, politics, sports, hobbies, job, family, retirement, etc) which is safe and has known boundaries. Those, like myself, who feel called to “wake up” and be free of the illusion as a way to increase the ability to function might benefit from the reminder that not everyone wants to be free. In fact, the ability to function metric of what might be called “good” might go down for the individual and the system if people who are quite happy with the system and don’t want to know how it works are shown the sausage factory.

My entire life I’ve felt called to understand this system while knowing the physical matter reality of it didn’t seem quite right, as if there is far more going on we can’t perceive. The Matrix movies really clarified this idea as have many other similar movies, stories, and spiritual / religious traditions. Everything I devote my time and attention to starts to feel like a distraction without understanding the whole system and the full repercussions of my actions. It seems to me the power of intention and belief are very important, and I want to be less wrong about what I think IS. I don’t want to spend the time I have running some programmed life if my DNA is wired to do something new. “I used to eat there. Really good noodles.” Like Neo, I feel an awakening coming that knows more of the illusion we are swimming in and, also like Neo, I feel driven by purpose and meaning while thinking through the nature of choice (if it even exists). “The sleeper has awaken!” Paul Atreides of Dune understood this. Like David Norris in the Adjustment Bureau, I’m unsatisfied with the script as it is written and want the freedom of the blank page to fully create my own story.

All of my professional life I’ve shown up where I was invited. What would it look like to put some intentionality out there and do what I’m personally most passionate about? Why not create something entirely new? Until I better understand the system and how to properly use the power of my mind and intention, I’m not yet comfortable exploring and trail blazing.

But if I did… what would it look like? I toyed with a tracking reminder system called track and remind me about a decade ago. I had paying monthly customers right away. I didn’t want to do the heavy lift of building a start up so stopped it. I built Wisdom Nuggets to help my subconscious mind memorize important things which impact how I navigate this reality. Tokenized games which focus on consciousness and the full spectrum of what I call crypto philosophy might be part of my future. I want people (myself included) to enjoy, evolve, and live in abundance through every dimension of physical, mental, and spiritual.

I have to be careful. What I want for me individually is not necessarily what everyone else wants for themselves and that is the trap, I think, some fall into.

I also really enjoy helping others. I enjoy advising and consulting and using whatever experiences and insights I’ve gained along the way to increase the ability to function for others. I also have strong responsibility themes so when I attach myself to something, I want to see it through to completion and success.

But that’s just the “I” talking. Who / what is that, really?

Shared consensus makers, I see you. Thank you for honoring the powers you’ve been given and the work you’ve done to hone your skills.

Related: Big Think: Is human consciousness creating reality?

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