Latest Research Papers In Condensed Matter Physics | (Cond-Mat.Stat-Mech) 2019-07-12

Latest Papers in Condensed Matter Physics

Statistical Mechanics

Maxwell's demons with finite size and response time (1903.05724v4)

Nathaniel Rupprecht, Dervis Vural


Nearly all theoretical analyses of the Maxwell's demon focus on its energetic and entropic costs of operation. Here, we focus on its rate of operation. In our model, a demon's rate limitation stems from its finite response time and gate area. We determine the rate limits of mass and energy transfer, as well as entropic reduction for four such demons: Those that select particles according to (1) direction, (2) energy, (3) number and (4) entropy. Lastly, we determine the optimal gate size for a demon with small, finite response time, and compare our predictions with molecular dynamics simulations with both ideal and non-ideal gasses. Lastly, we study the conditions under which the demons are able to move both energy and particles in the chosen direction when attempting to only move one.

Hydrodynamically interrupted droplet growth in scalar active matter (1907.04819v1)

Rajesh Singh, M. E. Cates


Suspensions of spherical active particles often show microphase separation. At a continuum level, coupling their scalar density to fluid flow, there are two distinct explanations. Each involves an effective interfacial tension: the first mechanical (causing flow) and the second diffusive (causing Ostwald ripening). Here we show how the negative mechanical tension of contractile swimmers creates, via a self-shearing instability, a steady-state life cycle of droplet growth interrupted by division whose scaling behavior we predict. When the diffusive tension is also negative, this is replaced by an arrested regime (mechanistically distinct, but with similar scaling) where division of small droplets is prevented by reverse Ostwald ripening.

Spin-spin correlations in central rows of Ising models with holes (1907.04748v1)

Helen Au-Yang, Jacques H. H. Perk


In our previous works on infinite horizontal Ising strips of width alternating with layers of strings of Ising chains of length , we found the surprising result that the specific heats are not much different for different values of , the separation of the strings. For this reason, we study here for the spin-spin correlation in the central row of each strip, and also the central row of a strings layer. We show that these can be written as a Toeplitz determinants. Their generating functions are ratios of two polynomials, which in the limit of infinite vertical size become square roots of polynomials whose degrees are where is the size of the strips. We find the asymptotic behaviors near the critical temperature to be two-dimensional Ising-like. But in regions not very close to criticality the behavior may be different for different and . Finally, in the appendix we shall present results for generating functions in more general models.

Out of time ordered effective dynamics of a quartic oscillator (1905.08307v5)

Bidisha Chakrabarty, Soumyadeep Chaudhuri


We study the dynamics of a quantum Brownian particle weakly coupled to a thermal bath. Working in the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism, we develop an effective action of the particle up to quartic terms. We demonstrate that this quartic effective theory is dual to a stochastic dynamics governed by a non-linear Langevin equation. The Schwinger-Keldysh effective theory, or the equivalent non-linear Langevin dynamics, is insufficient to determine the out of time order correlators (OTOCs) of the particle. To overcome this limitation, we construct an extended effective action in a generalised Schwinger-Keldysh framework. We determine the additional quartic couplings in this OTO effective action and show their dependence on the bath's 4-point OTOCs. We analyse the constraints imposed on the OTO effective theory by microscopic reversibility and thermality of the bath. We show that these constraints lead to a generalised fluctuation-dissipation relation between the non-Gaussianity in the distribution of the thermal noise experienced by the particle and the thermal jitter in its damping coefficient. The quartic effective theory developed in this work provides extension of several results previously obtained for the cubic OTO dynamics of a Brownian particle.

Stochastic thermodynamics with odd controlling parameters (1903.05324v5)

Geng Li, Z. C. Tu


Stochastic thermodynamics extends the notions and relations of classical thermodynamics to small systems that experience strong fluctuations. The definitions of work and heat and the microscopically reversible condition are two key concepts in the current framework of stochastic thermodynamics. Herein, we apply stochastic thermodynamics to small systems with odd controlling parameters and find that the definition of heat and the microscopically reversible condition are incompatible. Such a contradiction also leads to a revision to the fluctuation theorems and nonequilibrium work relations. By introducing adjoint dynamics, we find that the total entropy production can be separated into three parts, with two of them satisfying the integral fluctuation theorem. Revising the definitions of work and heat and the microscopically reversible condition allows us to derive two sets of modified nonequilibrium work relations, including the Jarzynski equality, the detailed Crooks work relation, and the integral Crooks work relation. We consider the strategy of shortcuts to isothermality as an example and give a more sophisticated explanation for the Jarzynski-like equality derived from shortcuts to isothermality.

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