Load average

zoli@zoli-i5:~$ uptime
21:16:16 up 3:30, 1 user, load average: 0,34, 0,36, 0,76

Linux Load Averages: Solving the Mystery

Currently all of the averages are under 1, but all of them was above 5 six days ago, which is not good in the case of a 4-core CPU.

This big value was made by the Folding@home client. I checked this by the "top" command.
First, I closed (shut down) the program based on its PIDs by the "sudo kill" command (it had two PIDs), then I uninstalled the program, because shortly after I closed (shut down) the program, the program was restarted itself.

I looked at this, because my computer is quiet by default, but it was very loud, and I started to check to see what caused this. Now the computer is quiet again.

I used many programs, but nothing else (not even the BOINC client) is so much demanding as the Folding@home client.

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