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2 Drive Failures 1 Month

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Hello Everyone,

I suppose it's time I share with you the fun I've had today and 2 weeks ago.

2 weeks ago, I lost my entire Steam Library drive to the void of drive corruption, which isn't the end of the world because all my saves were in the cloud anyway. Slightly annoying to have to download it all again but hey-ho the drive has done at least 5 years work, so not bad.

Last week I bought a Seagate hard drive off amazon (4TB Barracuda) - and today it started beeping and a bunch of my files have gone missing, and one large file is corrupt. Not exactly the experience I was hoping for, as I stored all my data on it. Fortunately I managed to grab all of the important stuff off there, but all my application settings have restored to defaults and a bunch of apps crashed so badly that they uninstalled themselves partially in the process (either that or it's windows fault), they still have uninstall links, but can't be run from a desktop link and their start menu shortcuts are gone.

I have got in touch with The Rainforest™ - they've told me that they don't know why the drive is Beeping and my data is missing and so I'm talking to Seagate tomorrow. How exciting! I imagine I'll just be getting a friendly new replacement drive. 3rd Time's The Charm as they say (although the next drive might only be the second time 😅)

I spoke to a few friends about this of course, and one of them said "You'll either get a hard drive that fails in the first two weeks or it'll last years", so when I get my next one I suppose I'll be a little more wary about moving all my data on to it.

Hopefully this time I will have learned my lesson, I still need to get into good backup habits.

Thanks for reading, CA