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Quantum Computers - A discussion about the fact if they are ready or not 🤔?

Hey 👋 My Steemians Friends,
Today is the first time in which i am writing ✍️ 2 Posts in the same day for Steemit Community, and i am not sure 🤔 if it is quite a good thing writing multiple times. But here i am, and i was thinking to escape a bit the Development and Enterpreneur Stuff and speak about another part of Technology: Computers and Electronics.
And one topic that i want the discuss is about:

Quantum Computers - A discussion about the fact if they are ready or not?

Quantum Computers are considered as The Future Of Computing, because of their ability to calculate some workloads in a faster acceptable time than would take to normal computers 🖥 💻 thousand of years to calculate them.

What are they?
All the technology giants and lot of startups among these years have trying and are also trying to create the perfect Quantum Computers, or as they say the Next Generations of computers. But the main question is: Does the Quantum Computer exists today or everything is just theoretical?
Speaking of theoritical, there are 3 different kinds of Quantum Computers

  • Those who use Quantic Switches
  • Those who use Quantum Annealing
  • Universal Quantic Computers or Universal Quantum Turing Machine

Their current progress
Despite being 3 theoritical types of them, the only one which can be considered functional is the second type, the Quantum Anneling.

Are they ready?
Google thinks that they have archived Quantum Supremacy, if so it would a great Archievement.

Quantum Computers are here to help us, they for sure will solve a lot of problems, and will give enormous solutions.
Despite who builts them or who has already built them, should be in second plan, and us as Technology Fans and Appassionate should enjoy havig them among our tools.
