You get complimented on and you cower down why?

Friends compliment you on you hair or attire, and colleagues offer compliments about a presentation or a report. Yet, you are self-effacing or even speechless. Well, etiquette experts emphasize that there is a right way and a wrong way to respond to a compliment.  Here are 5 examples for you steemers that don't know how! Read and learn. 

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1. Accept the compliment humbly. Firstly, you should accept any sincere compliment directed, if someone praises you for a presentation that you feel wasn't your best effort, say " thank you" even though you feel that it was inferior. 

2. Offer a reciprocal compliment only if its appropriate.  You should return a compliment only if it makes sense in the circumstances. For example, if you're dressed for a formal event and meet a friend on the sidewalk, humbly accept their compliment on your attire. However, if the friend is dressed casually in jeans and a leisure shirt, it probably dose not  make sense to add "and you look nice too." On the other hand, if you both are dressed for the same formal event, it is probably appropriate to return the courtesy. 

3. Don't argue. It is never appropriate to argue when someone gives you a compliment. For example, if a family member commends you on your selection of Christmas gifts, it is not appropriate to say, "oh, i think Jim gave nicer gifts this year." Instead, take the compliment in stride and feel some satisfaction in your choice of presents. 

4. Pass it on when appropriate. If you are given recognition for something that a group of people created, it's entirely appropriate to pass it along. For instance, if your manager compliments you on a spreadsheet that you finalized, you could say "Thanks, and I'll be sure to tell the other members of the team that you appreciate our work." 

5. Don't ask for reassurance. Unless it's coming from a family member or a close friend, it's not appropriate to ask for the compliment to be repeated or explained. For instance, if someone applauds you on a meal that you prepared, you should not say, "Are you sure you like it? I thought it was under cooked." The person may be complimenting you out of a sense of courtesy, and they should not be forced to explain or defend themselves. 

Now everyone loves to receive a pat on the back. Therefore it's a good idea to learn how to respond correctly. If you demonstrate the appropriate response, it's likely that the other person will want to compliment you again at the next opportunity! 

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Life long and demonstrate love and care for all lets make this world and community good round! 

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