Thoughtful Daily Post And Helping A Brother Out

Well.. where to start. Many of you know who @wesphilbin is.. the man is EVERYWHERE it seems. Look on any Discord server and there he is lol.. it's like Magic! 😂

If you haven't heard, he has been having some major issues with his home, and the floor and the black mold. For more info you can read his post here.

He is still having some issues with the Grandkids room and chasing that black mold down in the floor and walls and etc. Here is some pics I got from him:

Now.. a little back story is in order here. I was being deceptive in nature when asking for an update on his progress and wanting to see some pics.. because I knew what the response from him would be up front, if I let him know what I intended to do. 😉

So after a lengthy chat, I did let him know my thoughts on making this post, and he was rather reluctant, just like I thought he would be. Anyways.. after a bit of coaxing, and getting permissions and whatnot here we are. As you can see it is a long hard road he still has to go down, and it is very hard on him and the fam.

Doing these types of repairs while living in the house is a real PITA.. and knowing that he has little ones living there with him, I decided to bring more attention to their needs at this time. It is slow going, especially when you are disabled.. on the older side and on the downslope of the hill(shhh Wes).. not to mention having to live within means on a disability check from the VA.

Quite a few Vets were smacked around by life this summer, but what can ya do... except GTFU, Keep Going and Soldier On! 😎

This is where y'all come in!

Hive can be a powerful tool in the right hands. The potential of Hive to help people, when they need it the most is incredible. 😃 Sometimes in life, you just a helping hand to get back on your feet. Sometimes, you can't do it all by yourself. That is just the way of things. So...

I need anyone that might happen by this post to consider a donation of Hive to our friend @wesphilbin and his family to get more materials to get his home in a livable condition, so he can get on with making some decisions that need to be made.

It is one thing to go through a situation like this alone, you can manage somewhat begrudgingly... but having Kids and Grandkids in the mix makes it all the more real and urgent. There is no time to waste.

I make it a point to not ask for favors, but.. I am asking for a favor here.

Please pass along a Hive donation if you can. Send it right on over to @wesphilbin. They are still in need of help, and I will do what I can to lend a hand, to get that ball rolling yet again. I know some of you may have made a previous donation, and for that I thank you.

Soon as I am done here I will be sending over some Hive as well. Please give this post a ton of Love and 100% upvotes, as all the rewards is set to go straight to him as the beneficiary.

Let us know down the comments what you can do to lend a hand. 😌

Thanks for reading, now.. LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Image Credit

That is my thoughtful post for today. Peace Out!

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