The IdeaFarm (tm) Pledge of Unselfishness

I pledge to be good news

for all who come into contact with me,

especially my coworkers and employer, or,

my customers and employees.

This pledge,

to be good news,

to be a giver not a taker,

is the foundation of my plan

to achieve economic success.

My pledge is public

so that you can encourage me to live up to it,

so that I will reap its economic benefits in full measure,

and so that my success will encourage you and others

to pledge to be good news.

I wrote this and distributed it during my years of activism circa 2009. I had forgotten it until a few minutes ago. I had no idea where to look to see whether I had a copy of it. Fortunately, a stranger who I had spoken with in Pacifica posted it on Flickr:

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