Getting the Ball Rolling


As we are getting ready to get back on the exposures I wanted to post the links to our other platforms and website.

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We do have a YouTube called The Dirty South Chronicles. We have an amazing member of the team that makes some kick-ass videos out the exposures and chats. If you'd like to check it out, click here and be sure to subscribe!

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That very same member of the team has also been working hard to build our website, with links to everything, including resources available in the state. You can visit our webpage here.

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We also have merchandise available sporting the Dirty South Justice logo. We have hoodies available in all sizes. You can also get a white t-shirt or black t-shirt depending on your preference. The last link also gives you access to the DSJ logo mug and sticker decal.

Even though we do have so much trouble keeping a FaceBook page due to mass reporting, I will post the link again if you would like to follow on there as well. DSJ team works hard to keep this going even though they try and get us down. This makes the 12th page that has been made, but it just shows our determination and that they won't stop us from exposing these predators.

My goal for our and steemit, is to build up our platform on here, outside of Facebook, and get more exposure and reach more people that don't use the usual social media platforms. While, for now, we only expose in Knoxville, TN and surrounding areas, we want this to bring more awareness to other states and countries that face the same problems with child predators. It's an issue that tends to get swept under the rug and communities don't realize just how big a problem it is. We want to reach outside of Facebook to bring that awareness and continue to make children safer. Outside of us and other predator hunter groups, there are plenty of resources out there to know who is living around you. Check your state's sex offender registry. That is the #1 way to know who lives around you and what their offense was. In most states, child sex offenders only make up 5%-10% of the registry, but any percentage is too high. Please, watch who is around your children and watch what they do online. Online is the #1 way for these people to get a hold of your children. Back in the day you just had to worry about strange vans and people walking up to your children in parks, the store, etc. The internet changed things dramatically and it's getting easier and easier to get to our children.

As always, we want to thank everyone for your continued support and if any of our fellow steemers support what we do, please resteem and share with everyone you know. The more awareness we spread, the more kids we can save!

Dirty South Justice Team

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