A Call for Support - The Power of the Steemit Platform

Photo from @kaliju's blog

@kaliju almost died and needs our help


A few weeks ago @kaliju was complaining about stomach pain and wasn't quite sure what was wrong with himself. But he was still going hard with his curation duties for @esteem. If you all aren't familiar with him, he is part of the @esteem curation team and he spends a few hours a day going through posts that are done on the @esteem app that was made by @good-karma and curating the good posts and rewarding all of the users efforts on the platform.

He told me that during one of the streams he ended up in the fetal position on the ground in excruciating pain for about 9 hours. His wife was out of town, so he was left to himself. He told me that he thought he was dying.

Long story short, he ended up in the hospital for a few days while they ran some tests.

Photo from @kaliju's blog

The tests revealed that he had some stones blocking his liver's common bile duct. He ended up needing two seperate surgeries to get them all removed.

So this is where the Call for Support from the Steemit community comes in. It is time to give back to someone that gives so much to the community. The best thing about this platform is that your upvotes DO NOT cost you anything and they CAN change lives.

The multiple surgeries, tests, and hospital stay has cost him over $6000. I am asking for any help that you can all provide @kaliju at this time.

I will be donating ALL liquid SBD and Steem rewards from this post to him upon payout.

Photo from @kaliju's blog

You can also send donations of SDB or Steem directly to him to help him pay for his medical expenses. A good portion of his medical expenses can be taken care of by this amazing Steemit community by using crowd funding options here on this platform. Just remember, a full 100% upvote only uses 2 percent of your voting power and it recharges in about two and a half hours.

Thank you all for the help and support that you are able to show towards a very giving member of our Steemit family. @kaliju is a great person and he deserves the help.

Photo from @kaliju's blog

Here is some more information from his blog about the operation and everything:

@kaliju needs your help!! My surgery cost me over $6000 USD and I must turn to crypto-wise, voluntaryist steemians like you for help...

[NSFW] I survived my operation.

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