Greetings, My name is Wassim and I'm a comic artist and a Photoshop designer, I hope you welcome me.

First introduction:

Hello, My name is Wassim Harzli I'm a 18 year old ambitious guy, My dream is to to find job that I like to do, and what I like to do is Drawing comics, Photoshoping and making people laugh or at least put a big smile on their face.



 Wassim Harzli born on 03rd of April 1998 in a large country in north Africa, I always been a fun person to hang out with when I was a boy, people liked  me and always had good things to say about me, You can say I was kinda popular at school too because of my grades and my funny personality, but life is never fair it wasn't all sunshine and flowers, despite seeming like a great life I was sick I had a serious case of asthma, some times they had to take me to hospital to clear my lunges with some tubes because I couldn't breath, I couldn't go out in the winter or whenever it was cold, I had to take some really scary types of medication, the main reason why I was sick is because I used to live in a city near the ocean, where the humidity is really high and that's what affected my health.  

 Because of my health, we had to move to an inside city where the air is clean in a hope that my health will get better and that's what happened, but again life is not fair , in the new place I couldn't adapt, the people are so different, I hanged out with the wrong kids and my personality started to change, I became the opposite of what I was before, people started just ignoring me and not wanna hang out, and after sometime I found my self alone, unable to make friends and lost everything positive that I had, I even forgot how to smile. 

  As my life started to go down hill mentally, I tried to isolate my self from society to stop it from getting worst and think of a solution, but it didn't work out as planned, I started to sit long periods of time on my PC and day after day I started to get depressed, but something nice came out of it, I learned to use Photoshop!

 It started as a joke to be honest, and posted my work on Facebook groups, I didn't expect anything out of it to be honest, I made a crappy comic and people actually liked it and started encouraging me, then someone suggested I make a page and create a fan base, I thought into my self and took it as a chance to restore what ever is left of the old cheerful me, I might have lost my humor when It comes to face to face conversations but that didn't stop me from trying a new method which was the comics as I mentioned.

 The page was up, and I started to upload my Comics and people were commenting and supporting all the way, I created the loveliest fan base that a person could ever dream of, they were nice and understanding , Always positive always sending me messages of encouragement which made me really happy.

 That's what I always wanted, I always wanted to make people happy, I always wanted to do something I really enjoy to do, I wanted to something that people recognize me for, So I created this orange guy with his friends and started to make these crazy scenarios.


Plans for the future:

 I want to take this seriously and take the next step, I want to see my passion in making Comics bloom into something beautiful, I want to learn Animation and make Entertainment videos on YouTube, I believe it's a dream worth chasing after and I'm ready to work my butt of to make it true in anyway possible, I already took the first step and the rest is coming, I will keep watching over the horizon and wait for that chance to grab it. 





My thoughts on

 I think it's a great idea, this website is very promising and I am really glad that I could be part of it, I mean it's easy to use and navigate the interface is friendly, you have everything you need despite it's just a beta, I believe it our duty to make this site stand up for it's name if we really want a future here because I think this site may be of a great help for us.


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