The "Good Frustration"... Just Posting a Work In Progress Before Sleep

I'm almost sure that every artist knows the "bad frustration." Those times when you sit down to work and nothing is coming out right, you work in circles for three hours and end the evening with a pile of crumpled paper or clicking the words empty trash in a fit of rage.

But I'm curious if many other artists also feel the "good frustration" that I sometimes do. By this I mean that you're actually happy with how things are turning out, you're having a good time... but you can't just keep going due to other commitments. You get frustrated by the potential you see that must remain unrealized (at least for a little while longer) thanks to real life.

That's where I'm at now. I'm really happy with the direction my latest "Penciltember" piece is going but I'll have to put it aside for the evening. The pieces I'm doing now are the first times I'm actually beginning to show interactions and relationships between the characters of "I Thought It Would Be Zombies...", even if in just single silent images, and I'm getting a rush seeing them brought to life.

A lot more work to do on this, but I'll be back at it tomorrow.


And here's the crew in more finished form (previously posted) to help visualize the possibilities and make sense of my sketch!


Do you suffer from the "good frustration" when the world intrudes on your happy playground?

-Bryan "the Imp" Imhoff

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