Comic#5 - Hurry Don't Forget!

Hurry Don't Forget! (Preview)

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Hurry, cut to the chase! Read my next comic!

Hurry Don't Forget!
Baldy is confused. Oh, and nice legs, Baldy.

I think I can really understand both Baldy's and Shiney's frustration in this one. I mean, they probably live in a psychiatric.

By the way, I found 2 other Steemians who sometimes make comics! They are @corybralcortex & @mourningnoodles (their recent comics at here & here). Haven't got to chat with them yet, but they seem to post comics on a slightly regular basis recently. Their comics are cute and quite funny! Looking forward to reading more from them! :)

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1Baldy: (Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Gotta record an idea!
Before I forget!)
2Baldy: (Darn. Is Jelly outside? Can't lock him out.)
(Don't forget! Don't forget! Don't forget!)
3Baldy: Shiiiineeey!! (Shiney) Is Jelly out?
Shiney: Tarta is out!!
4(Uhhhm. But Tarta's car is here...
And Shiney's car isn't!?
OMG! (Oh, my God!)
(Don't forget! Don't forget! Don't forget!)
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