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Here is an example of the partner!!! How Steemit Has Changed My Life: From living on $2/day and 3 hours of electricity to Having over $39,319

(Lol. I'm an introvert and I'm still 'picture shy'...and hmmn..privacy)

Today marks exactly 4 weeks I joined Steemit and I thought it would be fitting to make a proper introduction. And/or a testimonial.

I'm probably the only person from my country here on Steemit.( N.B I'm making a post on that soon). 1 in a million ;)

Growing Up

Here is a sample pic of where I grew up as a kid. Funnily, I grew up in a middle-class family. At least, according to the living standards here.

The standard of living is generally low and housing facilities are substandard......

What was even much worse was the power supply. We would be very lucky to get 3 hours of electricity daily. And oftentimes, we would go for weeks without having any power supply.

This, in turn, had an adverse effect on the economy of the country.
The youths are unemployed and the crime rate is sickening.

Things are getting a bit better though......a good government is in place and the economy is giving signals of a better time to come. As the largest economy in Africa, things can only get better.

My Love For Technology

My fascination with technology started when I gained admission to the university.
Here is my favorite spot at college. It was a perfect place to reflect and think about life.

I got admitted for a business degree on a scholarship and for a while, I was content going to boring classes. Until something happened.

My precious phone got stolen.

And after several weeks trying to raise funds for another one, I decided to turn to the internet for help.

I tried several ways of making money online. Affiliate marketing, Ads clicking, micro-jobs etc. I've tried them all. I learned HTML, CSS and I'm currently learning JS.

But after several months still without any luck, I decided to settle for freelance writing.

I was having a bit of success here and there. Not enough to survive, though. But still worth working on.
Then, the stars aligned.

The Steemit Dream

Exactly 4 weeks ago, I stumbled on @redex's Medium post about Steemit taking over the social media….
At first, I was skeptical on the authenticity of the promise as I had been scammed many times….

I decided to give it a shot. After all, there's no harm in trying…..

And I'm glad I did.

After over 40 posts, it's been an amazing experience on Steemit. Though none has gotten over the thousand mark, mine has been the case of 'little drops of water make an ocean'.

I've made awesome partnerships with top writers like @redexi and @redex and had chats with some really awesome people on Slack.

To: @toctopus; @wenbaumeist @enjoj @gavvet and a host of others. You guys rock.

Steemit has helped launched my dreams. I've published my first book on Steemit and I recently launched SteemMag - Steemit's Weekend Digest. The theater of dreams as I call it

I've never been this fascinated over an online community before. And the rewards are just a nice welcome bonus…….

From living on less than $2/day to having enough at my disposal. I'm deeply grateful to all those who work day and night to make Steemit successful.

To all those whose efforts have been unappreciated, you're changing lives.

Now I can get a better smartphone, power bank, live a comfortable life and develop myself as a writer.

Steemit is a fantasy coming true.

Giving Back

Tomorrow, after a lot of planning, I will be making a detailed post outlining how I'm bringing Steemit to millions of people in my country. My own way of adding value to the community.

The journey has just begun guys….….despite the complaints and issues...we look forward to having even a better and balanced Steemit…..

It can only get better! Steem on…

And here's a toast to more success…..yours and mine...

Thanks y'all.