My Interest in Photography


Am I a pro in photography? Definitely not. Well not yet but I hope one day. So, how did I start liking photography? That I don't know. Hehe. One day, I just felt like I wanna have my own camera and take thousands of photos and then the rest is history.

Photography has rules. I'm an abiding citizen. I abide by the rules but not always in photography. Why? Simple, I believe that photography is an art. That being said, however you take photos is acceptable and nobody has the right to criticize you. You have your reason why you take a certain photo that way. Please don't get me wrong.

What usually are the subjects that pique my interest when it comes to photography? I would say, anything under the sun. You know, variety is the spice of life. But yeah, flowers are captivating. Nature would probably be on the top of my list.


The two photos here just prove that flowers won't let you down. Look at the colors! Have a nice day!

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