Flower Jasmine King

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Jasmine (jasminum rex) or also known as the King of Jasmine is Jasmine's biggest species of plants from other families. Jasmine plant King was able to grow big with a very full flowers and has a Crown. Although the size of a large tree, jasmine King having a fragrant and beautiful colors. Plants of this type are very suitable for planting in the spacious grounds.

Benefits Of Jasmine Plants

Jasmine flowers has some sort of description, the other benefits are used as flower flowers, because that sow the fragrance used as ingredients of cosmetic and perfume industry, Tops a lot of jasmine flowers used as makeup for pengatin and series flowers, flowers can be made to blend tea.
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On some kinds of plant leaves and flowers are part of the budget can be used to reduce and stop the secretion of BREAST MILK (breast milk) by way of a pierced and pinned at the top of the chest.
In addition other types of plant leaves, jasmine can be used to treat ulcers and sore skin, is used as a gargle Seon thrush and swelling of the gums. While water marinade jasmine flowers can be used as air fresheners to wash your face.

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