Chakras' - Color Challenge : MondayRed

Color my Mandala , digitally colored by myself using 3D Paint, image source @kalemandra.

Hi Guys

It's Monday!

Today I would like to take this MondayRed color challenge as an opportunity to write about Chakras and also show how @kalemandra choose the colors for the daily color challenges, which I only discovered while I was researching information on Chakras.

Chakra - Origin : Sankrit 

                 Meaning : Wheel or Disk

What are Chakras and what do they Mean?

Chakras are circular or flower petal shaped vortexes of energy , all of them lay across seven different points of our spinal column.

Colors of The Chakras

- Red : The Root Chakra - MondayRed Color Challenge

- Orange : The Sacral Chakra - TuesdayOrange Color Challenge

- Yellow : The Solar Plexus Chakra - WednesdayYellow Color Challenge

- Green : The Heart Chakra - ThursdayGreen Color Challenge

- Blue : The Throat Chakra - FridaySkyBlue Color Challenge

- Indigo : The Third-Eye Chakra - SaturdayIndigo Color Challenge

- Violet/ Purple / White : The Crown Chakra - SundayPurple Color Challenge 

Meaning of The Red Chakra:

Red - The Root Chakra

Red the color of blood, symbolizes passion, love, strength, courage , life and earth. 

The color Red represents our Root Chakra, which is located at the base of our spine. This Chakra is related to our connection to Earth, meaning our body came from this Earth so to will our body go back to this Earth.

Focusing on the color Red during Color Therapy is said to increase blood circulation, therefore increasing blood pressure and pulse rate which will thereby increase overall energy and body temperature.

Image Source : Pixabay

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this post.

Thank you for all the support!

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