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5 Houses With The Most Unique Designs In The World

The house is a shelter from the sun, the rain, and the chill of the night, after tiring the home is the most comfortable place to rest, get together with family or do the things we love. But as the development of the current era of houses not only as a refuge, but serves as the identity of the owner, "House is a reflection of its owner". No wonder if today many homes are designed as interesting and as unique as possible from the owner's thoughts, such as some homes that have a unique design

1. 1m² German house
Van Bo Le-Mentzel's 1x1 meter square house is nicknamed a portable house because its small size allows the owner to take the house wherever he wants. This one-person house is the smallest house in the world.

2. Dick Clark USA Stone House
The house that looks like this stone cave is owned by Dick Clark in the United States. Dick Clark built this dream home because it was inspired from the Flintstone house, an animated series of children in the 60s about a family living in a prehistoric stone house.

3. Portuguese Stone House
Not only Dick Clark who dreamed of having a stone house, someone in Portugal built a house that is actually made of giant stone that somehow the way the stone was successfully constructed so that it has doors and windows so it can live like a house in general, this stone house is now he said became one of the tourist attractions in Portugal.

4. Belgian Tower Water House
A water tower that has a height of 100 feet in Belgium is in use by the Nazis to hide during the war. An architect of Bham Design Studio, now the water tower is me

5. House Overturned
As the name implies, this house is designed upside down where the roof is underneath and the terrace is above, An architect named Daniel Czapiewski created this upside-down house to describe the communist period and current conditions.
