Colorchallenge _ many benefits of apricot fruits

The apricot is a fruit originally from Asia. This fruit is not the kind of fruit whose trees can be planted in cold regions. That is why many regions in Indonesia are producing apricots for export to overseas. This fruit has the same type of peaches and plums. From the outside, this fruit looks like orange because of its orange color. The meat is yellow with a sweet taste. Just like other fruits that have a healthy nutritional content, apricots also have a good vitamin and mineral content to be consumed by the body. This fruit contains vitamin A, C, potassium, calcium, beta carotene, calories, carbohydrates, protein, sugar, fiber, and also healthy natural fats. Apricots also have high levels of magnesium and phosphorus. Let us discuss the benefits and efficacy of apricots for further health.In addition to other fruits, you can get anti oxidant efficacy on this one fruit. The benefits of apricots for anti-oxidants are reinforced with their vitamin C content. You can be free from the dangers of free radicals by eating these fruits regularly every day.

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