Colorchallenge÷colourful sea animal ini the world

this one is a rare animal in the world, this animal may only live in some regions, just like in europe region, the beauty of this animal is very interesting from researchers from various regions, because the beauty of these marine animals is not owned by all animals sea. this animal has a flaming color on its body as if it would burn other animals that try to eat it, with the beauty that this animal possesses might have the lethal poison that exists in its beauty.usually marine animals have a strong defense system and attack system that can be said to be strong, even marine animals can kill people only by poison or by aggressive attack on humans because the animal feels threatened by the presence of humans around the region.probably from some humans know about the dangers of marine animals but there are some other humans they do not know the dangers of marine animals, due to lack of insight about the dangers of toxic marine animals, there are also some marine animals that do not have lethal toxins against humans, but they have the beauty of color and the beautiful hewn body shape.

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