Color Challenge | Monday | Red


I got out of bed this morning a little later than I should. I was too lazy to move until I realized that it's Monday again! Nope, I can't be lazy on a Monday morning. So I got up, took a bath and prepared for work. When I arrived at the public transport terminal, there were no units available. I fell in line and waited for more than 30 minutes. Nope, I did not let this ruin my day. I was able to ride at around 7:00 (my shift starts at 8:00). Unluckily, I got stuck in traffic. And no, I still didn't let this ruin my day. I arrived at Cubao LRT Station at around 7:40, and I already know that I will be late. Instead of getting in a bad mood, I chose to remain calm and just take the next shift (9:00 AM). Since it was too early for the 9AM shift, I had a morning walk around Araneta and had my breakfast. I knew that this will be a great day because I chose to be happy and calm.

As I am writing this, I am working on my urgent orders and dealing with demanding customers. But then again, I won't let this ruin my day.

Sharing with you my Monday mantra.

Photo from

Happy Monday, everyone!

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